Whatever it takes!!

rookie03 said:
315x7PR!!, 335x5PR!!!!!!

Nice work dude.

rookie03 said:
I always used to be on my toes when i squatted but now i explode through my heals and its a world of difference.

No doubt man. It's a shame more people don't use proper form since it makes such a huge impact in their lifts.
diet today so far...

meal 1- 8 egg whites, 1 yolk, 1 cup flavorless oatmeal with splenda

meal 2- fillet mignon and brown rice

meal 3- steak sandwhich on wheat bread with mayo and mustard and 8 oz fat free milk

meal 4- brown rice, steak, and corn on the cob (post workout)

meal 5- undecided.
rookie03 said:
QUADS!!!! Had an awsome freakin day...on the way to the gym i was draggin ass and felt all tired but when i got in their...wow!

squats- 135x12, 135x8, 225x6, 245x6, 315x7PR!!, 335x5PR!!!!!!

insanely low box squats- 185x14, 225x9

single leg press- 180x14, 180x14, 180x12 (each leg the same reps)

I couldnt believe i did 315 let alone 335!I always used to be on my toes when i squatted but now i explode through my heals and its a world of difference. I also had my knees wrapped if that makes much of a difference...
Good job, man!!! Keep it up!! Congrats on the PRs!! :wavey:
good job you. that means you're getting stronger. sometimes, our strength surprises us unexpectedly. keep it up !

and I need a box. do you make your own box?? how to make a box?? x.x
rookie03 said:
QUADS!!!! Had an awsome freakin day...on the way to the gym i was draggin ass and felt all tired but when i got in their...wow!

squats- 135x12, 135x8, 225x6, 245x6, 315x7PR!!, 335x5PR!!!!!!

insanely low box squats- 185x14, 225x9

single leg press- 180x14, 180x14, 180x12 (each leg the same reps)

I couldnt believe i did 315 let alone 335!I always used to be on my toes when i squatted but now i explode through my heals and its a world of difference. I also had my knees wrapped if that makes much of a difference...
nice work Hommie
go to 24 hour fitness on a free day pass with a big gym bag, go to the aerobic room and rob those fuckers blind.
ok gotta catch you guys up on my log!

monday- chest

bb bench press- 185x9, 225x7, 235x4, 235x4, 185x8

incline db- 70x10, 70x10, 95x6,

weighted dips- 70x6, 70x6, 70x6

cable flys middle grip- 45x12, 45x12, 45x12

tuesday- back

bb rows- 205x5, 205x5, 165x10

deadlift- 315x6(could have done 15 of these easy!), 405x1(my body could have done more but i didnt have chalk and grip was weak!!)

t bar- 135x12,185x6, 185x5, 135x12

pulldowns- 195x7, 195x7, 165x10

that was it

today is gonna be quads/calves!

had some PR's on bench and on bb rows... dead are weird that was the only lift i got stronger in last cycle and now im gettin stronger on all my other lifts besides those?? oh well!
Thanks guys....

today was an awful day, got in a fight with my girlfriend, we got in a car accident partially caused by me, and we got lucky but we almost got killed, hopped an island and blocked a two lane where its buisy and people usually go 60. She broke up with me after that and im pretty bummed out about it, i made it to the gym tonight any how...

squats- 225x6, 275x6, 335x4(last week i did 325 not 335),

insanely low box squats with 4 second negative- 225x9, 225x7, 185x8(5second negative on this one)

walking db lunges- 45 by fail

that was it.
damn bro dont even know what too say..sorry for the bad luck bud. but remember for every down there is always a up side..and please dont go and off your self women arent worth it ;)
rookie03 said:
haha thanks man i had the pistol already and i just read your message...your a life saver!
lol your welcome bro..no go call Maurie Povicth..maybe we could get a show were you meet your savior...lol that would be funny "how an internet steroid forum friend saved my life" lol
Geez bro, that is tough - the car accident and everythin. I hope everythin turns out better man. Just keep hammerin at those weights.