bb bench- 185x9, 225x6, 225x5, 225x5, 225x3, 185x7
incline bb- 185x6, 186x5, 185x5, 165x8
weighted dips- 45x6, 70x4, 45x5, 45x6 wide grip

man... my tris were so pumped after bench work i felt WEAK!!
tricep ext abs- 130x20, 140x10, 140x8, 140x7, 140x6, 140x8
that was it... im at 185 as of now. so up 5 pounds...not gonna step on the scale for a another week.
all in all shitty chest day...was expecting to be strongy... my chest is my weakest part of my body...
on an awsome side note... i dropped a 10 pound weight form my chest all the way to my toe, and the whole workout i thought i was being a bitch because it hurt, so when i got home i took my shoe off and my sock was covered in blood...and its seeping blood from the back of the nail and feels all pressurized...SHITTY!