Whatever it takes!!

Thank you...

today was chest and light bi's.

flat db- 100x6, 90x9, 90x8, 70x12

decline bb- 185x9, 185x9, 185x7

isolateral incline bench- 90x9, 90x9, 90x9-55x6-45x3

supinated grip pull ups w/weight- 25x6, 45x6,

barbell curls- 65x13

just wanted to see what i could do withought aggrivating my tendanidous...left shoulder is really bothering me i had to do rotator cuff warm up yesterday just to grab the bar on squats...

diet today:

meal 1- chicken breast on wheat bread

meal 2- roast beef sandwhich

meal 3- myoplex rtd

meal 4- steak burrito with rice and black beans

meal 5- 4 egg whites, 1 yolk and bowl of flavorless oatmeal w/splenda (preworkout)

meal 6- broccoli, steak kabobs, and little white rice(post workout)

meal 7- cottage cheese and bowl of whole grain cereal(finished off the oats so gotta improvise) this meal is 30 minutes after meal 6.
rookie03 said:
that was it... had a shitty night... cars broken, girlfriends cars broken so i had no ride to work today...stressed out...but my dad luckily gave me a ride.

Lol. Daddy to the recue. Lucky for you Daddy was around, huh little boy?
today i did dead/hams/abs.

conventional deads (after a month lay off)- 225x6, 315x11, 385x4, 385x3...dont know what came over me, couldnt believe that i felt so weak on them... ill be back at 405 by the next two weeks.

lying ham curls- 95x9, 95x8, 95x7, 95x6-50x5

hamtractor- 90x9, 90x7, 90x7-50x10

decline leg raises for 4 sets for abs

tricep ext crunches- 130xfail, 140xfail, 140xfail, 140xfail

that was it...went to black angus with girlfriend right after the gym so pretty damn good night!

meal 1- 6 egg whites, 2 full eggs, 3 slices turkey bacon, 3 slices wheat bread

meal 2- natural pb, sugarless jelly sanwhich on wheat bread

meal 3- cottage cheese and a bowl of whole grain cereal...freakin 13g of fiber in one serving!

meal 4- mrp (pre workout)

meal 5- (pwo)quarter rack of ribs, 6 shrimp w/ pineapple, 6 oz of steak, veggies, and a baked potatoe, and a loaf of wheat bread, and a corn on the cob... (eq or dbol got my appetite stupid!!)

meal 6- big bowl of cottage cheese with sugarless jelly.

I think i had one other meal today but couldnt remember it... body weight is 184 today... eq shouldnt be kickin in yet, but my appetite is freakin stupid hungry! right after meal 5 i felt like i hadnt eatin anything.
either your calves are really unconditioned and neglegted... or you are to tense in your calves while doin ham curls... you know when you do them you usually flex your calf as a force of habit since theirs weight being rested their, try to relax your calf and keep all the stress in your hamstrings.
Thanks alot guys... today is gonna be back...gonna cut out sldl for the next month and just do different variations of hamstring curls to build them up.
hahaha...thanks alot adida...im off to the gym just got off work tonights rows and t bar night!! Im shootin for some PR's baby!

bent bb rows- 190x6, 190x6, 190x6

t bar in corner- 170x9, 180x7, 185x5

cable rows- 150x9, 150x9

pull downs to front- 195x6, 195x6, 180x6

db rows- 50x9, 60x6, 60x6

pretty decent session...PR on the 185 on t bar...freakin 4 plates and a 5 felt awsome!!

Diet today-

meal 1- 7 egg whites, 2 full eggs, 4 slices turkey bacon, 1 cup oatmeal

meal 2- half chicken breast and brown rice

meal 3- myoplex rtd

meal 4- half chicken breast and brown rice

meal 5- big collosus metrx bar...410 calories WOW!

meal 6- :mad: lets just say I got way more calories in me than i need for today...
Last edited:

bb bench- 185x9, 225x6, 225x5, 225x5, 225x3, 185x7

incline bb- 185x6, 186x5, 185x5, 165x8

weighted dips- 45x6, 70x4, 45x5, 45x6 wide grip :( man... my tris were so pumped after bench work i felt WEAK!!

tricep ext abs- 130x20, 140x10, 140x8, 140x7, 140x6, 140x8

that was it... im at 185 as of now. so up 5 pounds...not gonna step on the scale for a another week.

all in all shitty chest day...was expecting to be strongy... my chest is my weakest part of my body...

on an awsome side note... i dropped a 10 pound weight form my chest all the way to my toe, and the whole workout i thought i was being a bitch because it hurt, so when i got home i took my shoe off and my sock was covered in blood...and its seeping blood from the back of the nail and feels all pressurized...SHITTY!
QUADS!!!! Had an awsome freakin day...on the way to the gym i was draggin ass and felt all tired but when i got in their...wow!

squats- 135x12, 135x8, 225x6, 245x6, 315x7PR!!, 335x5PR!!!!!!

insanely low box squats- 185x14, 225x9

single leg press- 180x14, 180x14, 180x12 (each leg the same reps)

I couldnt believe i did 315 let alone 335!I always used to be on my toes when i squatted but now i explode through my heals and its a world of difference. I also had my knees wrapped if that makes much of a difference...