adida's pix

luquillo78 said:
Looking huge adida. drop some more bf and muscles will start to pop out!
trying to get as cut as you and Tman. this shit aint
shouldnt have "dirty" bulked for so long...and kept up eatting like that when i wasnt lifting too...damn oh well i am workin it now.
xclipse4 said:
LMAO... 220+? lol try like 275 +
what douch..again i never made a degrogitory remark about you or your physique, but if you got nothin better to do bash away.

EDIT: i bet you giggled like 13yr old school girl getting ready to kiss for the 1st time while you wrote that.
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xclipse4 said:
LMAO... 220+? lol try like 275 +
Shut the fuck up kid, who the fuck do you think you are to bash Adida like that? You live in the pic forum jerkin off to pics of yourself. You are a low life. Get out of here.


You're makin good progress Adida. Ever try what Tman said about how to lose water, letro/green tea caps? The only way I lost water was through the greentea. It worked pretty well. As for the cheat meals, you might want to cut down on the pizza, maybe only eat half of what you are.

What really helps me with the cheat food cravings are little cheat snacks during the week so I don't have one whole cheat meal. I'd sometimes grab like a bag of baked doritos and a diet soda or something to get rid of my cravings.

Keep hammering at it adida!
thanks Winter.
as far cheat meals go i have really cut back compared to what i was doing.
you have to figure i have dropped 10 lbs ina month. so i am doin pretty decent.
as far as green tea caps or green tea its self i have yet to try. i have some lipo6 and stacker3, but i am holding off for just a lil longer.

thanks for the support bro.
mister69 said:
lipo 6 1 cap w\each meal should do ya real nice.

Green tea drink 5-10 bags daily...good stuff
you know i have both handy at the house i amy start this next week for 2 weeks and see how that goes.
current diet

days at work

meal 1
4 whole eggs (hard boiled or over easy)
2 slices/2oz cheese
sometimes sauge links (jimmy dean 3 links)

meal 2
4 hard boiled eggs
1 oz almonds
5 liver tabs

meal 3
chick boobie 4-6oz
half bag of roamin lettuce
1tbls ceasr dressing

meal 4
4 hard boiled eggs
1 oz almonds
5 liver tabs

meal 5
chick boobie 4-6 oz
half bag romain lettuce
1tbls ceasr dressing

meal 6
meat 4-6 oz
veggies generally a serving size of said veggie

meal 7
protien shake w/ 2 tbls peanut butter

drink a diet rockstar through out day starting with meal 2 and finish it by meal 4 or 5

ave nutrion intake:
fat: 180-200g
carbs 40-50g
fiber 12-15g
pro: 250-305g

lifting days

meal 1
Protien shake
2 apples (1 green, 1 red)
glyergrow (its a fat complex)

meal 2
protien shake (w/oatmeal, honey, wheat germ, banana or raisens, and peanut butter)

meal 3
veggies 1-2 servings
meat 3-6oz

meal 4
same as 3

meal 5
protien shake and peanut butter

typical nutrient intake
fat: 120-150
fiber: 20-30
protien: 250-280

on carb days
i either have a self made whole wheat pizza (every other week this is exchanged for a meal out at a reastruant) or pasta. because of work schedule carb night can be on either a work night or a lifting carb intake is ussually ~200g more on carbs days.

on cardio (tire drag) days
i tend to take in no carbs except veggies like spinach and celery..all protien and fats, carb intake drops down to about 20-30 on these days.
what type of goal do you have is it to shred fat or build mass? both at the same time? get more fit or strong?
I admire your courage and the fact that you are not afraid to put yourself out there.
this holds you accountable and we get to see your progress. i think you are doing great bro. I know that cardio sucks but it's a must.

Keep at it. It'll be the most rewarding thing you have ever done.
Jimmykick said:
I admire your courage and the fact that you are not afraid to put yourself out there.
this holds you accountable and we get to see your progress. i think you are doing great bro. I know that cardio sucks but it's a must.

Keep at it. It'll be the most rewarding thing you have ever done.
thanks Jimmy i appreciate it. i work out hard and train hard..and i have really rampted up the training and tightened up on my diet. i am not going for a BB look but just to get this shit off my midsection. i will post some more progress pix later this month maybe..
Brat said:
Why take the liver tabs, adida?
great protien source 10 tabs = 16 protien, no fat, no carbs
their loaded w/tons of B-vit, minerals, and Heme Iron (suppositly the best absorbible form out there, but you cant over dose on it? supposibly) plus they're dirt cheap for a 50 day supply (taking 10 a day).
and i like