adida's pix

a few differnt angle i tiik the flash off the camera this time. i think the flash really washes out any sorta cut/deffinition i have going on here..what do you guys think?
LiftTillIDie said:
Try to use natural lighting when you take pics. It won't wash you out like the flash. I avoid using the flash like a plague when I take pics.
thanks Lift...i think i feel even worst about my progress some times when i post my pix do to the wash out effect i get. i am not chiseled by no means...but i ain't that smooth some times it seems like i just can't win...
adidamps2 said:
stat update

here it is for all those who care.
ht: 5'8"
neck: 16 (+1/4)
chest: 42 (-3..i think i may have miss measured the 1st time?)
arms: 15 1/2 (+0)
forearms: 12 1/2 (+1/2)
wrists: 7 3/4 (+0)
waist: 36 (-1/2)
thigh: 25 (-1 1/4)
calf: 15 3/4 (+0)

BF% taken 5 times as follows
(3 point electric caliper: chest (between nipple and under arm), belly (3/4 in to the right of bb), thigh (mid point between knee and hip insertion))
1: 15.4
2: 14.9
3: 16.9
4: 17.2
5: 16
ave BF 16.08%

no real significant changes...a lil off the waist. i can't blame anyone but my self or make excusses here, i think i really let my diet get away from me. i had one excusable set back, a minor stomach virus. other wise i just let it go a few too many times this month. taco bell, pizza hut and few other not so good fast food joints took their toll on my wt loss. however soem of my lifts have drastically improved over this month. but! that is not the point of this, it is a FAT to Fit deal and i think i set my self back here. this month i will step it up a notch and really stick with a solid fat loss diet. and cut back on pizza night from a whole pie and side of wings to a few slices and maybe a half side of wings.. :eyes:

I hate to do this to you BUT I MUST.

Stop eating all that BULLSHIT FAST FOOD. Eat Clean. You can get whole cooked chicken at Walmart for 4.00 if you dont want to cook. Get rid of all the bread and hotwings and bullshit. You sound like me ( Fuck Cardio) I eat Chinese Food at 1000pm at night , the whole damn plate and 12 pack of Beer. You might as well start drinking too. Im tired and have to get back on the phone. Peace Out My NIg. (Believe That)
Mulligan said:
I hate to do this to you BUT I MUST.

Stop eating all that BULLSHIT FAST FOOD. Eat Clean. You can get whole cooked chicken at Walmart for 4.00 if you dont want to cook. Get rid of all the bread and hotwings and bullshit. You sound like me ( Fuck Cardio) I eat Chinese Food at 1000pm at night , the whole damn plate and 12 pack of Beer. You might as well start drinking too. Im tired and have to get back on the phone. Peace Out My NIg. (Believe That)

thanks Mulligan i think i needed that!
adidamps2 said:
thanks Mulligan i think i needed that!

You know man. Im going on vacation next week. i could have cut and I would look good , but I dont care. Cutting is hard and you have to sacrafice alot. I uunderstand what you are going through. If got serious and stopped drinking and ate right My bench would be at about 350 with reps. But i keep drinking whcih holds my gains back and I stay fat. Just alittle over weight (water weight) from the beer.

If you are going to cut, do it , if your not going to go all the way, dont waste your time.
Your bis are really showin now man & same with the vascularity, its comin through. Your waist line has decreased a bit, which is good. Keep it up! :)
Mulligan said:
You know man. Im going on vacation next week. i could have cut and I would look good , but I dont care. Cutting is hard and you have to sacrafice alot. I uunderstand what you are going through. If got serious and stopped drinking and ate right My bench would be at about 350 with reps. But i keep drinking whcih holds my gains back and I stay fat. Just alittle over weight (water weight) from the beer.

If you are going to cut, do it , if your not going to go all the way, dont waste your time.
your right Mulli, but its not just cutting but trying to loose some of this excess BF i have...i am still making progress, just let it slide too much this past month. will get back on track, and cut some more down this month.

and you need cut back on that damn drinking man. cut back to atleast a 6 pack a night.
First of all, once again you have made more progress Adida. You have a nice base and you gonna look really really good soon. You have come a long way. tri's, traps, legs, chest, they all look good.

Mulligan actually is making sense to me. He's right. You know, I think a little more discipline may be in order here to get you over the hump. The work ethic is there. You workout hard and often. I know your work schedule has messed up the extra cardio lately. Here's my recommendation bro:

Get the diet in check. That is the culpret here imo. Specifically and not limited to the two cheat days. Those are family building nights and that is cool. Do that, but be smart and eat less food on those nights. Eat less pizza and pasta etc on those nights...and the other key is to be strict on every other day. EVERY bad calorie counts. Every fast food meal, bad carb, high fat, high salt food hurts. Ditch them all except for cheat days. Drink lots of water and get the cardio going again. Adida you do all this and you will get over the hump and feel better about yourself than ever and that is important. i want to share that with you. I want you to feel good about the fact that you did accomplish that. then i want to come over on family night and eat the pizza and pasta that you shouldn't be eating cause I would hate to see it go to waste:)
tman55 said:
First of all, once again you have made more progress Adida. You have a nice base and you gonna look really really good soon. You have come a long way. tri's, traps, legs, chest, they all look good.

Mulligan actually is making sense to me. He's right. You know, I think a little more discipline may be in order here to get you over the hump. The work ethic is there. You workout hard and often. I know your work schedule has messed up the extra cardio lately. Here's my recommendation bro:

Get the diet in check. That is the culpret here imo. Specifically and not limited to the two cheat days. Those are family building nights and that is cool. Do that, but be smart and eat less food on those nights. Eat less pizza and pasta etc on those nights...and the other key is to be strict on every other day. EVERY bad calorie counts. Every fast food meal, bad carb, high fat, high salt food hurts. Ditch them all except for cheat days. Drink lots of water and get the cardio going again. Adida you do all this and you will get over the hump and feel better about yourself than ever and that is important. i want to share that with you. I want you to feel good about the fact that you did accomplish that. then i want to come over on family night and eat the pizza and pasta that you shouldn't be eating cause I would hate to see it go to waste:)

thanks Tman...this month is gonna be a bear...for i am determined to cut more this month..and you and mulli are right. i need to get my head out of my Arse..and get back on track as far as diet and cardio go. and deffinetly will cut bback on pasta and pizza night...and you are more than welcome to come over and eat all the extra stuff i can't/shouldn't lol
adidamps2 said:
thanks Tman...this month is gonna be a bear...for i am determined to cut more this month..and you and mulli are right. i need to get my head out of my Arse..and get back on track as far as diet and cardio go. and deffinetly will cut bback on pasta and pizza night...and you are more than welcome to come over and eat all the extra stuff i can't/shouldn't lol

I believe you will too.

Oh and before i forget, could you ask the beautifully sweet and most pleasing Mrs. Adida to make some Garlic Cheese Bread too. MMM I love that stuff, oh crap almost for got this, you know those little mints with the chocolate on the outside? Do you think you could have the Lovely Mrs. Adida pick some of those up too?
In my experience dieting is all or nothing. Once you start letting junk slip in here and there it just snowballs and ruins progress (not that you aren't making progress, you have come a long way). What you need now imo is just a couple of months of absolute nazi discipline. It's easier to do it this way than over a longer period, at least easier emotionally. I was able to lose 25 lbs in only 6 weeks and not too much of it was muscle simply because I was very strict with my diet and cardio.