adida's pix

LiftTillIDie said:
In my experience dieting is all or nothing. Once you start letting junk slip in here and there it just snowballs and ruins progress (not that you aren't making progress, you have come a long way). What you need now imo is just a couple of months of absolute nazi discipline. It's easier to do it this way than over a longer period, at least easier emotionally. I was able to lose 25 lbs in only 6 weeks and not too much of it was muscle simply because I was very strict with my diet and cardio.
NAZI disicpline...i think i can handle this...thanks Lift
next pix time you guys will be proud...thanks all
adidamps2 said:
updated pix
and no my ass isnt that's the shadowing..i swear. :insane2:

You have an ASS like this Black Chick I used to BANG. I could put my Heineken on her ass like a coffee table. Ass is good. :druggie:
adidamps2 said:
no your pushing your but i will inform her of your

You will look very good when you shave all the excess off. I will prob never shave my excess off, I have no discepline. :druggie: Okay got to go , Its tiime to Dance and Mr. Nasty Time. :druggie:
You're looking good adida, I think you've made some progress judging by the pics. Dieting and trying to trim off excess bf is tough bro, I hate it. It has to be a 100% committment and that can be difficult with a family and pregnant wife. Just keep your head up my man, you'll get there:)

Oh, and very nice ass, i'd like to see that thing in a nice pair of jeans, or better yet....a thong:)
JT190 said:
You're looking good adida, I think you've made some progress judging by the pics. Dieting and trying to trim off excess bf is tough bro, I hate it. It has to be a 100% committment and that can be difficult with a family and pregnant wife. Just keep your head up my man, you'll get there:)

Oh, and very nice ass, i'd like to see that thing in a nice pair of jeans, or better yet....a thong:)

DItto, I would like to SEE THAT ASS IN PAIR OF ROCKY JEANS. :druggie:
JT190 said:
You're looking good adida, I think you've made some progress judging by the pics. Dieting and trying to trim off excess bf is tough bro, I hate it. It has to be a 100% committment and that can be difficult with a family and pregnant wife. Just keep your head up my man, you'll get there:)

Oh, and very nice ass, i'd like to see that thing in a nice pair of jeans, or better yet....a thong:)

Daaaamn I'd hit it!
JT190 said:
You're looking good adida, I think you've made some progress judging by the pics. Dieting and trying to trim off excess bf is tough bro, I hate it. It has to be a 100% committment and that can be difficult with a family and pregnant wife. Just keep your head up my man, you'll get there:)

Oh, and very nice ass, i'd like to see that thing in a nice pair of jeans, or better yet....a thong:)
thanks JT...your right having a pregnant wife does not help...but i refuse to use it as an excuse.

and those may be
I've just seen your last pics adida and I think you're looking much better than before. You look more muscular and still big. You're doing a good job. Keep it up.

edit: And, yes, I also think you have a nice bubble butt. :)
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updated pix
holding a wee bit of water..
just had a carb day the day before and had a PWO carb shake 2 hrs before this. also i think i am not very photgentic. as the pix just never depict what i see in the mirror the same way. any ways i have worked my way down from 220+ to 210lbs..the big 3 are all on the rise while droppin wt right now also. so this is good.