Luquillo workout journal

Thanks winter.

4 sep 06


Didn't do. I was still sore from last leg workout.

Bent rows:
180 x 8
202 x 7
225 x 6 *PR*
225 x 6

Cable rows:
230 x 6
240 x 5
240 x 6 *PR*

bw x 11
bw x 7
bw x 6
bw x 6

Shoulder press machine:
185 x 7
200 x 7
215 x 4 *PR*

DB Hammer curls:
25 x 17 reps
25 x 14

I feel my workout was incomplete without deads! But my hams and glutes needed a rest. Will hit them hard next time.
Nice workout Luq. Yeah, I know what you mean when you say your workout doesn't seem complete w.o deads. It's alright, you can hit PRs on other lifts and give your CNS a bit of a break. :)
Thanks Brat!

6 sep 06


Flat bench:
194 x 5
199 x 5
199 x 5
205 x 4 *PR*

44 x 6
55 x 6
66 x 6
77 x 4

Lateral raises:
25 x 15 reps
25 x 15
25 x 11

I was very tired before and during workout. Kept it very short.


8 sep 06


249 x 6
260 x 5
271 x 5
282 x 3

238 x 27
238 x 24
238 x 22
i'm very impressed with your lifts. always going up. yeah, I hear ya on the tired part. I myself, after work, even eating tons, is still tired. I just force myself to workout ya know...
Thanks angry and adida!

12 sep 06


348 x 5
370 x 5
392 x 4 *PR*
413 x 1
436 x Fail

I was finished after 392 x 4, but I wanted to pull some more weight. The 436 didn't even move from the floor.

Cable row:
230 x 7
240 x 7 *PR*
250 x 5 *PR* (the whole stack)

bw x 10
bw x 7

Shoulder press machine:
200 x 7
215 x 5 *PR*

DB hammer curls:
25 x 16 reps
25 x 12

Today I had a good workout. Last week I didn't deadlift and I wanted to lift heavy today. Rows felt light today. My body weight is around the same 180 lbs. Bf is lower I think.
i understand how the whole, 'didn't move the floor' on deads feel, bro. it's annoying and makes you lol. i know I did. on to box pulls !!!!
14 sep 06


Flat bench:
194 x 5
194 x 5
205 x 4
216 x 3 *PR*

PR was with spotter. He said that he didn't pull, but I think he did. I don't like having spotted prs, I'll feel it's a real pr when I do it alone.

25 x 10
45 x 8
60 x 6
65 x 6

Lateral raises:
25 x 16
25 x 14

Normal workout. Very short, it was about 40 min. I'm still feeling sore from back workout.