MY bulk cycle log.

Thursday- Day 68

Dbol- 40mg
Arimidex- 1mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Legs
Decent workout. I was pretty tired thru the whole workout though. I was seriously about to fall asleep in-between sets!! Good workout considering. I guess that is what I get for going to bed at midnight!

Leg Ext(Warm-up) 90x20; 100x20; 110x20
Squats- 135x15; 245x12; 365x8; 455x5; 225x10
Leg Press- 600x15; 690x10; 780x8
SLDL- 135x12; 225x10; 245x10
Lying Leg Curl- 75x15; 90x12; 105x9

20 min- Bike

Comments- Got all my meals in today. I can tell I am shedding a lot of this water/fat. The cardio is helping a lot. I am not gaining any more weight, but I am tightening up, which is good cuz my waist was getting pretty big!LOL
So far that is it. 20minx3-4 times a week.
I may bump up to 25 or 30 next month!
I can shed fat really quick, so I don't do a whole lot of cardio if I am not doing a show.
I just want to be presentable at the beach this summer, so i will stick with this until mid June or so, and I should be good to go!
Saturday- Day 70

Dbol- 40mg
Arimidex- 1mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Delts/Triceps
Pretty good workout. I seemed to be getting leaner. I am at 224 -225 right now, but looking better. I will get pics in a couple weeks.

Seated DB Press- 45x12; 65x12; 85x10; 105x8; 115x5
Bent Lateral Raise- 30x12; 40x10; 50x10; 55x8
Standing Lateral Raise- 30x10; 40x10; 50x8

Dips- BWx12; 10x10; 25x10; 35x8
Lying DB Ext- 30x10; 35x10; 40x8

Comments- We went to the Contra Cosa BB Show tonight. It was a pretty good show. This is the show that I am going to do next year so I wanted to check out the comp. Lots of big guys, but some bad judging!!
Sunday- Day 71

Dbol- 40mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Day Off

Comments- Not much to comment on. I wish I could eat more on the weekends. That is one of my faults. I need to start working on that more.
Monday- Day 72

Dbol- 30mg
Arimidex- 1mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Back/Traps
Pretty good workout. The back pumps came back strong as ever. I had to lay down after every set. I guess it was just a matter of time!

Bent BB Row(Close & Reverse Grip) 135x12; 185x10; 235x8; 255x6
DB Row- 110x10; 130x10; 150x7
Pullups- BWx10; 25x8; 35x6
Cable Rows- 200x8; 220x7
DB Shrugs- 100x10; 120x10; 140x8

Comments- I got all my meals in today. Feeling pretty good, sucks that I have less then 2 weeks left on the cycle though.
Tuesday- Day 73

Dbol- 30mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Day off

Comments- Ate a lot today. Which is good. I need to keep this up, especially in the next few weeks as I end my cycle.
Wed.- Day 74

Dbol- 30mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Chest/Biceps
Pretty good workout. I started out kind of tired, but quickly got motivated. Pumps were pretty good. Especially in the biceps.
I got 385x3 w/ a spot. My 400 goal is coming up fast. Hopefully by the end of the month I will have gotten it!!

Flat BB Press- 135x15; 225x12; 315x3; 385x3; (315x1; 225x8; 135x8)
Incline DB Press- 70x10; 90x10; 110x6
Incline DB Flys- 50x10; 60x10; 70x6

Standing Bar Curl- 75x12; 95x10; 115x8
Incline DB Curl- 30x10; 40x10; 45x10
Bar Preacher Curl- 75x10; 95x6; 95x6

Comments- Got all my meals in again today. There is a Bench Press contest sometime next month. I think I might enter for the fun of it. If I can get my max over 400, then I just might win! From the people I know that will do it, I have them beat so far!
Thursday- Day 75

Arimidex- 1mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Quads/Hams
Pretty good workout. I trashed my legs pretty good. The only problem I had was when squatting. I don't know if it is the high BP or what but on my heavy set my face turned red and my eyes got blood shot. I could see it in the mirror, then I started seeing white dots, so I stopped the set. I probably could have got 1-2 more reps, but I got freaked out. I was pretty dizzy after that. I then did a strip set, that pretty much fried my back. I had to lay down for a few minutes!!

Leg Ext.(warm-up) 90x20; 100x20; 110x20
Squats- 135x15; 225x12; 335x10; 460x4; (315x8,225x8,135x8)
Leg Press- 600x15; 690x10; 780x6
Lying Leg Curl- 70x15; 80x12; 90x10; 100x10

Comments- I got all my meals in today. Not much to comment on other than that freaky shit from squats. I hope that does not happen again!
crazymike said:
I was pretty dizzy after that. I then did a strip set, that pretty much fried my back. I had to lay down for a few minutes!!

It seems counter-intuitive at first, but I've found that straight-leg deadlifts seem to actually help my back when it's fried from squats and d-bol.

Hey Mike.. good to see you are a big boy, and over 220lbs!!!

Dude, take a look at my journal, and my progress pix.. I think they are on the second to the last page.. when you get a chance.. the link is in my sig.

THanx bro.
Mr. dB said:
It seems counter-intuitive at first, but I've found that straight-leg deadlifts seem to actually help my back when it's fried from squats and d-bol.


Really? Not me, I couldn't even think about doing SLDL yesterday!!LOL
crazymike said:
Really? Not me, I couldn't even think about doing SLDL yesterday!!LOL

That's what I thought when I forced myself to add them back to my leg day regimen. It hurt like hell for about five minutes while I leaned against a rail and sweated, then suddenly, it was like "Wow! I can walk! What happened?"

I understand that some people don't get back pain from d-bol. I hate them.

Friday- Day 76

Dbol- 30mg
Arimidex- 1mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Day Off

Comments- Got all of my meals in today. Nothing else really to comment on.
Saturday- Day 77

Weight- 232!!!:D

Dbol- 30mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Delts/Triceps
Pretty good workout. We did not get into the gym till later in the afternoon so we were kind of tired by the time we got there. I got pumped up though. My elbows have been hurting a lot lately at the gym. Especially when I start to go heavy.

Seated DB Press- 45x12; 65x10; 85x10; 105x7
Seated Bent Laterals- 30x12; 35x10; 40x9; 45x8
Standing Lateral Raise- 35x12; 45x10; 55x8

Dips- BWx10; 10x10; 25x10; 35x8
Cable Pressdown- 100x10; 130x10

Comments- I am very excited about my weight. I can't beleive that my weight went up considering I have been doing cardio and looking tighter. So that is very exciting. I will get some pictures next week.