MY bulk cycle log.

Saturday- Day 7/Sunday-Day 8
Sat-40mg dbol
Sun- 40mg dbol,500mg test, 400mg eq.

Weight-208(UP 7 Pounds as of Saturday!)

Training- Delts/Triceps(Saturday)
Workout went very well. I have not gained any noticeable strength yet, but it is only the first week.


Saturday and Sunday I don't write down my meals. It varies, but I usually get in most of my meals!

My leg is getting better. The redness is almost gone. My glute injection from Wed. has been pretty good. A little sore still, but not bad.

I injected myself again Sunday night. I did 250T/200E in my left thigh, and another in my left glute. I had my GF give me the injection in my glute since I could not reached.
This was the first time I had her do it, and she did a good job!
Monday- Day 9


Training- Back/Traps
Very good workout. I have not done Deadlifts for a couple weeks now. I substituded them with Bent BB rows. The reason being is my legs, from the thigh injections. Hopefully next week I will be back to doing DL. All in all it was a very good workout. I noticed a little strength gain. Not much, but noticeable.


I am not going to record my eating as it is the same everyday. So check back to the first week to see my eating habits.

Everything is going pretty good. My infection looks like it is going away. It is not red anymore, and the pain is virtually gone.
My injections from Sunday night are a little painful. Not too bad though.
I am looking foward to the test/eq to finally kick in in a couple weeks.
Tuesday- Day 10


Training- Day off

Nothing really to comment on. My right thigh is getting better. I think it is almost completely healed. The soreness in my left thigh is going away. Hopefully by thursday it will be gone. I need to hit legs, and I cannot miss another week!
What products are you using? Dbol is great isnt it. And you look alot bigger then 202 in your pics. Nice journal

Wed.- Day 11


Weight 212(that is 11 lb gain!!)

Training went very well. Nothing really changed as far as strength, just a little stronger. My old lifts are feeling easier. I am haveing great pumps, and just an over sense of well being.

I am starting to get comments from people on my sudden increase. I can already notice a change in my upper chest/shoulder and back region.
It is very exciting to finally see that scale start to move up!
Of course a lot of the weight is water, but fuk it, whatever it takes. If the bloat gets too out of hand I will start to take Armidex .5mg eod.
I am going to try to keep away from the armidex until the end of the cycle though.
Micro said:
What products are you using? Dbol is great isnt it. And you look alot bigger then 202 in your pics. Nice journal


Dbol is the shit!!!

Dbol-?, not sure, it is from Yugoslavia
Test-Brovel(cheap, but all I could get)
Eq- Ttokkyo
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Thursday- Day 12


Training- Legs
Not a bad training session considering my left thigh was still in pain from the injection. I just sort of suffered thru it. Once the blodd started rushing to the muscle it started feeling better, or maybe it was numbing it!!LOL
Anyway I kept it fairly easy wil only a few exercises total. The back pumps were insane though. I couldn't even think about doing SLDL.
I had to sit for a few minutes between sets, just to relax my back.
By next week I will be back in full effect for my leg workout, so it's ON NOW!!

Nothing really spectacular to announce. Just eating a shit load and trying to gain as much weight as I can.
I am going to the San Francisco Pro Grand Prix this weekend. Hopefully meet some people there(Connections!). Have to promote myself so to speak!
My last show I did, I lost due to politics, so this time around I am going to get the politics in my favor!!
Friday- Day 13


Training- Day Off

Comments- Nothing really to comment on. I am feeling very good. I keep getting more compliments, which is always a good thing!
I will not workout until Sunday. I will update this on Monday morning.
Sunday- Day 15


Training- Delts/Triceps
Nothing really different. No real strength gains to comment on.
Monday- Day 16


Training- Back/Traps
Very good workout. Strength is starting to go up a little. I was suprised that while doing deadlifts the back pumps were not that bad. It did not hit me until DB Rows, then they really kicked in. I had to sit down for a few minutes after each set to relax my back.

Just some lifts to show you where I am at.
Deadlift- 135x10; 225x5; 315x5; 405x5; 455x3
DB Row- 100x10; 120x10; 140x9; 150x6
Hammer Shrugs- 200x10; 290x10; 340x8; 360x7

So far so good. I am a little disappointed that my weight is not going up much right now. I have been still eating a lot. I guess I need to get into the force feeding again. Maybe I am already used to the 4000 cal. intake. So starting Tuesday I am going to up it by 500 calories.
Tuesday- Day 17


Training-Day off

I am switching back to the twice a week injections. I really did not like the once a week. I felt like it wasn't enough.(Psychological) I am going to do the glutes only though. Sunday I injected into my left cheek, Wed. I will inject into the right.
I don't really feel any pain. It is a little sore to touch, but I inject pretty high up that I don't even notice it is there.
I am looking foward to tomorrow. I want to see if I have gained anymore weight. I also want to see if my strength has gone up in the chest area.
Wed.-Day 18



Training- Chest/Biceps
Very good workout. Strength is starting to really go up now. The ones that I could only get like 6-7 I am getting for a full 10 reps now. The pumps were insane. One bad thing was that at the end of the w/o my right shoulder was really hurting. I have tendonitis and I think it is flaming up again.
Anyway here are some of my lifts:

Incline BD Press- 60x12; 80x10; 100x10; 120x10; 130x7
Weighted Dips- 45x10; 90x8; 115x7; 135x5
Flat DB Flys- 45x10; 60x10; 70x8

Seated Preacher Curls- 75x13; 85x12; 95x10; 105x8
Standing DB Curl- 35x10; 40x9; 45x8(I usually go a little heavier, but the pumps were getting very intense)

As You can see, I try and use a little higher rep range when I am 'ON', because of the dramatic strength gains. I don't want to get an injury, that's for sure!!

I am very happy that my weight started to go up again. It is getting very hard eating so much. I am literally eating every 1.5 hours. I am dreading food right about now.!!!
But hey, thats what it takes!!!
Thursday- Day 19


Workout was very good. I could not do as much weight as usual. The back pumps were CRAZY!! So on squat I had to cut it short.

Here is what I did:

Squats- 135x20; 225x15; 315x10; 405x5; 405x5(A lot less than usual.)
Leg Press- 470x15; 650x15
Lying DB Leg Curls- 40x12; 50x10; 60x9
Standing Leg Curls- 50x12; 60x10; 70x9

I usually do SLDL, but no way with the back pumps.

Other than the back pumps when I am working out I feel incredible. Lots of people are noticing my sudden increase in weight. Even people that usually do not comment. So I am feeling very good right now.
My injections in the glute are painless.
Friday- day 20


Training- Day Off

Nothing to really comment on. Just trying to stuff down as much food as humanly possible!!
Saturday- Day 21


Training- Delts/Triceps
Pretty good workout. My shoulder was killing me though! I ned to seriously start taking my Glucosamine to stop the hurt!!
Other than that it was a pretty good workout.

Here is some of what I did:

Seated DB Press- 45x12; 65x10; 85x10; 100x8; 110x5
Upright Rows- 75x12; 95x10; 115x8; 135x7
Decline Bar Skull crushers- 75x15; 95x12; 115x10; 135x8

Weekends are a little harder for me to stay on my eating schedule. I am trying my best, but with running around a lot it is hard to find time and eat. During the week is easy, cuz I am at work.
I was pretty good this weekend though.
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Sunday- Day 22


Training- Day Off

Comments- Nothing much to say. I was pretty lazy all day today. I didn't wake up till late so I know I did not get my full calories in, but I got close!