MY bulk cycle log.

Friday- Day 27


Training- Day Off

Not much new. My ass is still a little sore from the injection on Sunday. But it is going away. It should be gone by tomorrow. Speaking of which, tomorrow will be my last day of Dbol's :(
Oh well, I will be back on in a few weeks!
Saturday- Day 28


Training- Delts/Triceps
Pretty good workout. My strength in the seated press has gone up.
Other than that nothing spectacular happened.

Seated DB Press- 45x12; 65x10; 85x10; 105x8; 115x3
Reverse Pec Deck(rear delt) 120x10; 140x10; 150x8
Upright Rows- 125x10; 135x8; 135x7

Decline Skull Crushers- 75x15; 95x12; 115x8
1-arm lying db ext.- 30x12; 35x10; 40x9

Today was the last day for Dbol's. Kind of sucks, knowing my gains will slow down a little bit. Oh well, it is actually just in time. My bloat is starting to show more. It is pretty much all in my stomach area. When I am working out and pumped I look awesome, but when other times I feel bloated. It's all good though. That is what gaining weight is all about!!
Sunday- Day 29

EQ- 200mgs

Training- Day off

Nothing much to say. Went to costco and bought a bunch of food. Spent over $200 on everything. Did the Sunday ritual of cooking. Cooked all my food for the week. We usually spend about 2 hours cooking everything.
Monday-day 30

Workout was very intense. The back pumps are still there. Hopefully they will subside soon. My strength is about the same as last week.

Bent BB row- 135x12, 185x10, 235x8, 285x6
DB Row- 110x12, 130x10, 150x7
Iso-Low Row-(per 1 arm) 135x10, 160x8, 180x7

DB Shrugs- 100x12, 120x10, 140x8, 150x7

Nothing much to really say. The first 4 weeks went by fast. It suck coming off of Dbol, knowing that the rapid gains will slow down. But it is for the best.
I think I weigh about 223 right now, but I will not know until tomorrow when i weight myself.
I am kind of lazy but your running the dbol for 4 weeks then back on at the end, is that right? How many weeks is your cycle? Gains are coming along very nicely, great job bro
Yes I am running the first 4 weeks @ 40mgs/day
Then starting the 9th week running 40mgs/day and tapering down to 20mgs/day on the 12th week. My test/eq is only for 10 weeks. So by the time the test/eq is out the dbol will be done and I can start clomid therapy.

I did it like this so I can get the most from the cycle. I am not too worried about fat/water retension, but if it gets out of hand I have Arimidex on hand.
I have done 3 other cycles. If you can even call it that. It was before I even knew there were boards like these. I was getting my info from a friend of mine. It turns out he knew jack shit about doing cycles.

1st was:
1-5 Dbol-25mgs/day
1-5 EQ 300/week

2nd was:
1-5 AD50-3-8 tabs a week(don't ask!!)
1-5 EQ 300/week

3rd was:
1-8 Sust250-375/week
1-8 EQ 400/week
Tuesday-Day 31

Training-Day Off

Nothing much to report. I have a few more pictures to take before I can get it developed, then I will have them up.
Either the end of this week, or beginning of next.
Wed- Day 32

Weight- 223!!!(Up 22 LBS!):D :frogjump:


Training- Chest/Biceps
Pretty good workout. It took a while to get warmed up, but once I did it went pretty well. The pumps from dbol are startign to fade away, but my natural pumps are still pretty good. I have gone up almost .5" on my arms. Just shy of the 20" mark!! Which was one of my goals, I wanted to hit 20" by summer. So it looks like I will get it!

Incline DB Press- 70x12; 90x10; 110x10; 130x9; 130x7
Decline BB Bench- 185x10; 235x10; 285x8
Flat DB Flys- 50x10; 60x9; 70x7

Standing Bar Curl- 75x16; 95x12; 115x10
Bar Preacher Curls- 75x10; 95x10; 105x7
Standing DB Hammer Curl- 45x10; 55x7

I am glad to see my weight up even more. Everything is going good. Getting all my meals in and no side effects yet. I can't beleive that I am almost 1/2 way into the cycle already.
No sides so far.
That's good to here!
Not even the slightest of acne bothering you??
GREAT cycle info by the way!!!
GFI said:
i don't care for the idea of d-ball at the end bro....use some halo's instead!

I have actually heard good things about it from other guys that have done it. It sounds good to me as well. I am going to try it and see if I like it.

What exactly don't you like about that idea??
Thursday- Day 33

Training- Legs
Pretty good workout, actually it was very good. I was getting a little irritated by some little bitches though. These guys are there quite a bit and workout little and bullshit a lot. For some reason it really got on my nerves!!

Leg Ext. (warmup) 90x20; 105x20; 120x18
Squats- 135x15; 225x12; 315x10; 405x5; 495x5
Power Squats- 360x10; 450x8; 540x9
SLDL- 135x12; 225x10; 245x9
Lying Leg Curl- 75x15; 90x12; 105x10; 120x7

I noticed I am getting a little edgy. I am getting irritated very quick. The last 2 days I yelled at my GF for little things. At the gym I was getting ready to do my last set of squats and she came up as I was putting on my wraps to ask a question. I snapped at her cuz she picked a wrong time to bother me.
I guess I need to just be aware of my emotions.
Easto said:
What are power squats?

It is this rack, sort of like an inverted hack squat, where you face the weights. You are in an upright position and feet are at an downward angle. So it is like squats, but without the ackwardness of a straight bar.