Pound for Pound - Who's got the best bench?

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Miagi, 400 really isn't that much for 200lbers. Especially short ones like myself. That is as far as powerlifters go. The record for the 220s was set by a guy that weighed 218 and did over 700. I got 2 friends of mine that are 600+ lb benchers one will be at the arnold competing coming up. Give me 2 more years and i will break 600 with a shirt of course. Bench is definatly my strong point though. My deadlift sux ass. I also did powerlifting all through high school. I did 290 my senior year weighing 138. That was natural too. That was 3yrs ago.
Diesil said:
Miagi, 400 really isn't that much for 200lbers. Especially short ones like myself. That is as far as powerlifters go. The record for the 220s was set by a guy that weighed 218 and did over 700. I got 2 friends of mine that are 600+ lb benchers one will be at the arnold competing coming up. Give me 2 more years and i will break 600 with a shirt of course. Bench is definatly my strong point though. My deadlift sux ass. I also did powerlifting all through high school. I did 290 my senior year weighing 138. That was natural too. That was 3yrs ago.

i dont care how short or big anyone is, 400 lbs is a lot of weight.

How do you guys bench so damn much??

I'm 19, 5'8.5, 170 and can hit 285 for 1 solid rep with no spot, bounce or back arch. I thought I had a solid lift, but damn, I'm nothin. The most I ever saw someone lift at my gym was 335 for 3-4 reps and the guy was big. He opened his own gym. I'm all natural, no creatine, roids or anything, and was wondering if that helps your lifts alot. What tips do you guys have for increasing bench? Do you bring it all the way down to touch your chest?
Of course supplements, a goo diet, and of couse roids will help with your bench. But there is a lot of technique to it as well that can give a huge boost to your bench. Strong triceps and rear delts are another key to a big bench if you are in the right form. It is pretty hard to explain the correct form to bench without showing you. Mine has always been very natural to me, plus the fact that my arms are short too, but that also kills my ass on the deadlift.
I dont know what organization that is, best I know of for 275 pound class is 700 and 720 for Anthony Clark, who is around 330 I think.

There are 168 pound guys though doing in the 600s.
i dont flat bench much. i use dumbells more than barbell if i do . my gym only has 150 lb dumbells so i do 4 sets 10 reps. 405 is the most i have ever done with flat bench barbell. when you have had your shoulder opened up and worked on you tend to stay away from things that can put you back there flat barbell bench being one of them
Mudge said:
I dont know what organization that is, best I know of for 275 pound class is 700 and 720 for Anthony Clark, who is around 330 I think.

There are 168 pound guys though doing in the 600s.

Mudge it was in the WPO if I am not mistaken. I'll get a name for you tonight. A buddy of mine was up against him.

Oh yea, arch, i was that ooze stuff that the ninja turtles used. Sorry bro, my typing sux sometimes!!
It was George Halbert he did it at the arnold a year or 2 ago. He weighed 213 and did 733. His last attempt was 750 but he missed it. He holds the world record, for the best bench. you know weight pressed/weight of the man.
Right now I am 220 at 5'9 and can do a max of 430. when I am do I am a hell of alto stronger on bench I'd say it goes up 30-50 pounds on cycle. Most I have ever done without a lift of spot was 485 and that was on my last set of bench. I didn't 315 for 10, 405 for 6, 455 for 1 then 485 for 1. So I am thinking at that point in time I could have gotten 500 if I went for it fresh after a warmup. Right now that poundage is so far away I think I will never see it again. Right now I am struggling with 315 doing set of 10 8 8. not good IMO. For me that is struggling with 315
I can put those pink dumbells up for two. Hopefully by next week, I will be benchin those green babies...wooHOOOO.
the current world record is 900 lbs by gege rychek. just set a couple of months ago.

heres the clip,November16th,IPANationals-900lbBP@SHW.wmv

and it was done with a pause. you have to wait on the head judges press command and he dont give it til the bar is still at the bottom. also you have to wait on the rack command as well. if you rack it before he gived the signal the lift is no good. you can see the head judge sitting there giving the rack command when the bar is fully locked out.
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pullinbig said:
the current world record is 900 lbs by gege rychek. just set a couple of months ago.

heres the clip,November16th,IPANationals-900lbBP@SHW.wmv

and it was done with a pause. you have to weight on the head judges press command and he dont give it til the bar is still at the bottom. also you have to weight on the rack command as well. if you rack it before he gived the signal the lift is no good. you can see the head judge sitting there giving the rack command when the bar is fuly locked out.

Damn that's a lot of weight.

Also, thattaway to resurrect a dead thread, PB. Congrats.
pipes said:
My best was 335 for 6 reps @ 205. I never did a 1RM lift

thats respectable considering that you train not as much for strength but for overall body health. at least this is what I have gathered from your posts. One of my trainin pards is 22 years old and competes in the 220 class has a 605 bench to his credit. he just hit 595 for a dbl saturday while workin out. he is a stud. interstring thread though thats why i pulled it back up.
5'6" current weight 160, but it varies between 160 and 170. Bench max last week was 325 for one rep. I feel weak.
one of my training pards competes in the 220s, 22 years old and 5' 10ish has a competition 605 to his credit. biggest bench ever by a 220 junior.