Time to start a new one


Community Veteran
This will be kept better than the last one, next goal is 2000. When i get their only God knows. But this will be the path i take.

First workout in three weeks.

speed bench 225 2x2, 245 2x2, 275 2x2 All surprisingly fast

incline dumbell 130 x11

military off pins at nose 225x14

close grip 275x9 3/4 couldn't lock the last one out, i was completely exausted from the shoulder presses

Chest supported rows 2 plates and a quarter 2x8

Kelso shrugs 2 plates and quarater 2x8

Felt great, didn't have much endurance though.
Insane_Man said:
nice workout jc

ill have to look up kelso shrugs though...

done on the chest supported row machine, more of a specific shrug for the bench press. Or so i have read.
Ah, cool. So ches supported rows I'm assuming you are doing on liek a hammer strength machine?
pullinbig said:
good deal. how'd you enjoy my state?

Flyfishing was excellent, especially since it was cold and i was catching 30 fish a day in the snow. Beautiful scenery. I have actually wanted to end up down thier for some time now.
Started a sldl routine today i got from SGT ROCK out of MonsterMuscle. I figure my hams are my weak point so it should really help.

SLDL's standing on 100's. 280 3x10 paused each one on the floor for a split second

dumbell rows 120's x10, 130'sx8

wide grip pulldowns 2x12

that was it, figure my posterior chain is going to be shot since i have had an extended vacation, so skipped the posterior part of the workout.
mister69 said:
howd getting that deep on sldl's feel?

I do them from the floor and arch and fryes my hammies

Much, Much harder, i used to do them from the floor, and it was alot more low back. It was much more hammies and glutes doing them off the plates.
gonna be working in a single ply for a while, titan F6

singles 425, 465 good missed 505 misgrooved it, didn't flair. First day back didn't really care

2 board in shirt 425x5

That was it.
First day really squatting other than my meet in about a month. Did some things a tad different just to get used to it again

Box squats completely raw. did tons of warmups than 285 4 sets of 3

Pause squats 235 x 12 These were best pause squats i have ever done

Back attack 90 lbs + black band 2x10

Reverse Hyper 160 lbs 2x15

I think I am gonna feel this one in the morning, lol.
close grip flat back 235 15, 13

flat dumbell 130's x7

side laterals 15, 12

chest supported rows 2x12

kelso shrugs 2x10

Not eating enough, and my elbows are bothering me, probably not used to the lifting any more. Skipped shoulder presses, as my elbows and forearms were screaming as i warmed up.
SLDL standing on 100's

300 3x10

one arm chest supported rows. 3x10

close grip lat pullldowns 15, 12

45degree hypers + 2 monster mins 12, 10 hamstring started cramping

ab pulldowns 3x15

Starting to up the volume a bit, felt pretty good. I think this sldl routine is going to help me .