Whatever it takes!!

nah the test isnt to crazy... i think the hcg is whats makin my sex drive up alot... i know im just startin to get some pretty good strength gains... and i feel full alot more... more hungry... sleep better...haha the whole shabang. i might put up pics at end of cycle...im kinda lazy to hook up camera rightn ow./ thanks alot guys! i dont feel like im gettin strong yet mulligan...
rookie03 said:
nah the test isnt to crazy... i think the hcg is whats makin my sex drive up alot... i know im just startin to get some pretty good strength gains... and i feel full alot more... more hungry... sleep better...haha the whole shabang. i might put up pics at end of cycle...im kinda lazy to hook up camera rightn ow./ thanks alot guys! i dont feel like im gettin strong yet mulligan...

Is it your 1st cycle? I didn't read your older posts.

Good luck and congrats for your gains! and let's see some pics at the end of the cycle.
yes its first cycle!...ok today quads./calves

atg squats- 135x12, 205x5, 250x5, 315x2 collapsed on third one, 225x11
leg press- 12 plates x11, 14x7, 14 +25's x 6
hack squats- 230x13, 270x8, 320x6
walking lunges- 40's x death, 30's by death... didnt count just went till i collapsed

seated calf raises- 4 sets

standing calf raised- 3 sets
ok i dont get why my acne is just all gone...ive had acne most my life and right when i start my cycle, i get baby smooth face?? what the fuck... can anyone tell me which one of these is helping my face...

prop-100mg eod
dbol-30mg ed
garlic- 2500mg ed
saw palmetto-300mg a day
celery seed extract- 300mg a day
red rice yeast- 4 pills a day
b6-500-600mg a day
hcg- 2x a week at 250IU
armidex-.5 ML eod
oh yea and milk thistle at abou 800mg a day.

i think its the garlic but i have no idea??
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yea man i might not be a big guy but i go as hard as i can go! it makes me feel good if i collapse on most my sets then i go home satisfied that i went as hard as i could go for that day...
rookie03 said:
ok i dont get why my acne is just all gone...ive had acne most my life and right when i start my cycle, i get baby smooth face?? what the fuck... can anyone tell me which one of these is helping my face...

Some guys find that androgens help clear up their skin, so it could be the testosterone. Just one of those things. Your body may react well to a different hormonal balance and your acne clearing up is one of the benefits.
luquillo78 said:
May sound stupid, but what is milk thistle?? (English is not my 1st laguage)

Milk Thistle is a legal supplement taken to protect the liver while using any type of oral steroid.

strength went up today!!

sldl-135x11, 185x5, 225x5, 245x6, 185x9-10
db hamstring curls- 50x8, 50x7, 50x7
hamtractor- 90x7, 70x10, 70x10-50x7-40x5-30x5

weighted close grip pull ups(supinated, palms facing) bw x 9, 45x6 1/2, 45x5, 45x5 I usually do 35 plate for 4 reps and get tired.... i think stuffs finally starting to kick in!

barbell curls- 65x10, 65x9, 65x7
spider curls- 65x9, 65x8, 65x6
reverse grip curls- 50x8, 50x8, 50x7-8
db curls- 30x10, 30x8-9

so yea ive never even imagined doin a 45 for pulls ups... and i just said fuck it im sick of being afraid to break plataus and did it!!!

body weight today was 188. noticing water retention in my arms and legs... but since i been doin weighted abs im seein them pop out more.