strength went up today!!
sldl-135x11, 185x5, 225x5, 245x6, 185x9-10
db hamstring curls- 50x8, 50x7, 50x7
hamtractor- 90x7, 70x10, 70x10-50x7-40x5-30x5
weighted close grip pull ups(supinated, palms facing) bw x 9, 45x6 1/2, 45x5, 45x5 I usually do 35 plate for 4 reps and get tired.... i think stuffs finally starting to kick in!
barbell curls- 65x10, 65x9, 65x7
spider curls- 65x9, 65x8, 65x6
reverse grip curls- 50x8, 50x8, 50x7-8
db curls- 30x10, 30x8-9
so yea ive never even imagined doin a 45 for pulls ups... and i just said fuck it im sick of being afraid to break plataus and did it!!!
body weight today was 188. noticing water retention in my arms and legs... but since i been doin weighted abs im seein them pop out more.