Whatever it takes!!

Ok i did chest today...

flat bb bench- 115x10, 135x10, 155x5, 185x5, 205x5+2, 215x3+2, 215x2+2....I have shitty form on bench...i go really slow down and really slow up, i never explode...kinda sucks but my muscle just never has it in it no matter how light i go.

incline bb- 70x5, 90x4+2, 80x6, 65x6

weighted dips-45x6, 45x9, 70x6 1/2

flat db flies- 30x14, 30x8, 30x12

cable under grip flies- 40x9, 45x7, 45x6

that was it...had a really shitty chest day... no strength gains to really report...BLOWS!
But I am seein my body physically change which is really nice! tommorow is injection day... Im gonna do left glute and its gonna suck... so far i love doin quads and delts..hate doin ass. I am more veiny and look more full which is very nice... I kind of want to extend my cycle for 2 extra weeks and go for 8...but im sure ill be happy at 6 and quit!
rookie03 said:
But I am seein my body physically change which is really nice! tommorow is injection day... Im gonna do left glute and its gonna suck... so far i love doin quads and delts..hate doin ass. I am more veiny and look more full which is very nice... I kind of want to extend my cycle for 2 extra weeks and go for 8...but im sure ill be happy at 6 and quit!

Why dont you run it out 12 weeks? What are you running?
because everyone says that gains usually stop around 6-8 weeks...plus i dont have the funds to do a twelve weeker... it cost me an arm and a leg because i bought, prop, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG), pinz, alcohol swabs, about 50 bucks in support supplements for overall health, nolvadex, dbol, I go to school and work part time so funding isnt too great.
Ok had an awsome session today!!

-stiff leg deads- 135x10, 155x8, 185x5, 235x9, 245x6 pr on 235 and pr on 245...wasnt gonna do more than 6 on 235 but just banged them out and kept goin. Plus my training partner blindslide slapped me before my set really hard so that pissed me off a ton...haha we look like such idiot meat heads in their.

-db curls for hams- 50x9, 55x6, 55x6
-hamtractor- 90x8, 90x7. 90x5-75x5-60x5-50x4-35x7

-weighted close grip pull ups- bw x 9, 45x6, 45x5, 35x4+2-bw x 3

-barbell curl- 45x12, 55x12, 65x12, 75x6 had to go light on these as my left forearm still aches on the occasion and im afraid of reinflaming my tendandious.

spider curls- 55x12, 55x8, 55x7

reverse grip curls- 40x12, 40x12, 40x9

made Pr's on weighted pull ups and on stiff leg deads... goin heavy really hits my hams harder than goin light.
Thanks T...

Shoulders tri's today...

seated military-115x10, 115x8, 135x5, 155x5+1, 155x4+1

seated db press- 70x7, 70x6, 70x5

arnolds- 45x7

weighted dips really close grip though- 45x7, 45x7, 45x6

side laterals- 3 sets

supinated grip front raises- 3 sets

close grip bench- 135x5, 185x7, 205x5+1, 205x3+2

db ext. for tri's- 25x10 each arm, 25x10

tricep ext-140x7, 140x7

db shrugs- 110x6, 110x5

rear delt flies- 20x10, 20x10, 20x10
rookie03 said:
Thanks T...

Shoulders tri's today...

seated military-115x10, 115x8, 135x5, 155x5+1, 155x4+1

seated db press- 70x7, 70x6, 70x5

arnolds- 45x7

weighted dips really close grip though- 45x7, 45x7, 45x6

side laterals- 3 sets

supinated grip front raises- 3 sets

close grip bench- 135x5, 185x7, 205x5+1, 205x3+2

db ext. for tri's- 25x10 each arm, 25x10

tricep ext-140x7, 140x7

db shrugs- 110x6, 110x5

rear delt flies- 20x10, 20x10, 20x10

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much volume.
I agree with LiftTillIDie, if I were you, I'd really cut down on the shoulder work to about 3 exercises. The triceps look okay though.
Winterlong said:
I agree with LiftTillIDie, if I were you, I'd really cut down on the shoulder work to about 3 exercises. The triceps look okay though.

He could do dips, cg bench, and side laterals and be out of there. Remember all these exercises work basically the same muscles.
ouch! yea bro i agree with LTID and Winter. thats a lot of volume even if your on gear. but i'll give ya prp's for hitting it that hard.
THanks alot guys...yea i usually would do military, close grip, dips and side lateral then shrugs and call it a day...but my lifting partner doesnt like it so he likes to kill shoulders first then tri;s but then i cant do close grip after i hit my shoulders...

back day today...

bent rows- 155x10, 185x7, 205x5 (all cheated reps...just felt like doin it)

t bar in corner- 135x10, 175x9, 180x7pr

dead lift- 135x10, 225x5, 275x5, 315x5, 405x4pr, 225x17

weighted pull ups- 25x5, 25x4+2

Great back workout... was kinda down and depressed, only on 4 hours sleep but surprisingly was my best back workout since i cant remember when... 405x4 was freakin awsome! weight today was 187 when i woke up.
rookie03 said:
THanks alot guys...yea i usually would do military, close grip, dips and side lateral then shrugs and call it a day...but my lifting partner doesnt like it so he likes to kill shoulders first then tri;s but then i cant do close grip after i hit my shoulders...

back day today...

bent rows- 155x10, 185x7, 205x5 (all cheated reps...just felt like doin it)

t bar in corner- 135x10, 175x9, 180x7pr

dead lift- 135x10, 225x5, 275x5, 315x5, 405x4pr, 225x17

weighted pull ups- 25x5, 25x4+2

Great back workout... was kinda down and depressed, only on 4 hours sleep but surprisingly was my best back workout since i cant remember when... 405x4 was freakin awsome! weight today was 187 when i woke up.

Damn BIATCH , your gettin stron as hell. Nice Deads. You need to make sure you get sleep and eat. How much longer on cycle.
rookie03 said:
THanks alot guys...yea i usually would do military, close grip, dips and side lateral then shrugs and call it a day...but my lifting partner doesnt like it so he likes to kill shoulders first then tri;s but then i cant do close grip after i hit my shoulders...

back day today...

bent rows- 155x10, 185x7, 205x5 (all cheated reps...just felt like doin it)

t bar in corner- 135x10, 175x9, 180x7pr

dead lift- 135x10, 225x5, 275x5, 315x5, 405x4pr, 225x17

weighted pull ups- 25x5, 25x4+2

Great back workout... was kinda down and depressed, only on 4 hours sleep but surprisingly was my best back workout since i cant remember when... 405x4 was freakin awsome! weight today was 187 when i woke up.

good job; keep it going.