Whatever it takes!!

rookie03 said:
Thanks alot man... you know maybe ill try it in the next few weeks! kind afraid of 5 plates though... haha it was intimidating doin 4 plates!

You should go for a single 500 x 1 , you will get it, if not try next time. If you get that, get us a video, good to see you progressing.
rookie03 said:
Thanks alot man... you know maybe ill try it in the next few weeks! kind afraid of 5 plates though... haha it was intimidating doin 4 plates!

Here's my take Rook

don't even think about the weight you have on the bar. just block it out and give it hell. you gotta be strong minded to pull to your max potential.

i would do 450or so 1st, convince yourself you got it and then get the 5 plates. oh and you better put those 2.5's on to make it an even 500 right?
rookie03 said:
Ok yesterday i hit back and had a pretty good PR...

deadlift- 135x10, 185x5, 225x6, 315x5, 405x6PR,225x17

bent bb rows- 135x10, 155x8, 185x5, 155x8

tbar rows- 135x10, 180x3, 120x10, 120x10

close grip pull downs- 150x10, 150x8, 150x6

widegrip cable rows- 120x10, 120x8, 120x6

that was it, had no more in me... 187 pounds.

Congrats rookie. Great workout!

Same for me about getting stronger on deads and back more than chest.
Thanks alot mulligan... i think id have more of a battle gettin the video on the computer than gettin the 500 up... that shit is downright confusing! yea my back always progresses but most my other muscles stay the same.

THats some good advice... ill take for sure...not only cause your tman, but also cause your 179 and deadlifting 5 freakin 50!
tman55 said:
Here's my take Rook

don't even think about the weight you have on the bar. just block it out and give it hell. you gotta be strong minded to pull to your max potential.

i would do 450or so 1st, convince yourself you got it and then get the 5 plates. oh and you better put those 2.5's on to make it an even 500 right?

Yeah you need to work up with proper warmups, and don't just dive into the weight. Once you get comfortable with 455 and then like 475, come back the next week, do a 455 then go fo the 5 plates.

When was the last time you went for a 1rm on deads rookie?
nooo im tellin you last month on 385 i was about to pass out it was soo fuckin heavy! haha but now its cool im hoping when i get off i can at least rep 400...

last night i hit quads and calves

close stance squat atg- 135x10, 135x10, 185x13, 225x10, 225x10

leg press ( dong want to do math)- 14 plates x 10, 16plates x 8, 16 plates plus 25's x 6

walking db lunges- 35xfailure, 35xfailure....actually collapsed at the end.

leg ext- 90x9, 90x9, 90x8-60x6-35x4

seated calf raise 4 sets

another variation of seated calves x 3 sets

that was it....

today was chest:

wide grip bb bench-135x12, 185x6,205x6, 225x6PR, 225x5PR, 225x4PR....never do wide grip so those are all PR...lifting partner tells me my chest is lagging and to go wider.

incline db- 80x10, 85x8, 85x7

decline bb (havent done these in years) 185x10, 225x7....that was it they hurt my collar bone it feels like...thats why i hate decline so i quit early

undergrip cable rows- 45x10, 50x7, 45x9

pretty good chest workout startin to see some strength gains finally!
If the decline hurts your collar bone, try touching the bar on the lower part of your ribs instead, you might have to make the thing that holds your legs a bit lower.

Good work :)
yea im gettin ready for a show in 11 months and i just checked it out a few weeks ago... i think having a nice set of wheels is the most important thing on stage... plus i like having to crawl in the house.... i always hear stories about how tom platz used to stay in the gym hittin legs so hard that hed have to be carried out and driven home... i always wanted to do that!
Thanks for checkin out my journal though guys... i really like posting it keeps me motivated to try to put up new numbere.


stiff leg deads-135x10, 185x5, 225x5, 240x7, 240x6

seated hamstring curls- 90x7, 95x6, 80x7

laying leg curls- 95x7, 95x6-60x5-40x5, 80x6-60x4-40x5-30x3

close grip weighted pull ups- bw x 6, 45x6, 45x5, 45x6

barbell curls- 65x12, 75x8, 75x7

spider curls- 65x8, 65x8, 65x6

wide grip ez bar curls- 65x7, 55x7

preacher curls- 70x6

went kinda high volume on bi's forearms still ache but not as bad!

just ate 1 1/2 chicken breast sandwhiches on wheat bread from carls jr and i feel like YACKING!
no pics.... im fluctuating from 187-190 throughout the day...holding water in my triceps and quads a ton!... body fat is around 15-16 percent...goal is to get around 200 pounds and stay around this bodyfat... just basically make sure i can still see a 4 pack.

shoulders/tri's today...

seated military press- 45x10, 45x10, 60x5, 80x6, 80x6, 80x5

side laterals- 25x8, 25x8, 25x8

supinated grip front raises- 25x12 (shoulders started aching had to quit)

weighted dips- bw x 8, 45x8 cg, 70x8cg, 85x6cg, 90x6normal grip...PR!!!

single arm db ext- 25x12, 25x12, 25x12

cg bench- 135x10, 185x8, 185x8, 135x8

bb shrugs- 135x8, 225x6, 225x6, behind back shrugs-135x8

rear delts on chest fly machine- 115x10, 130x6, 130x6-85x4-40x5

That was it.... I really needed that PR today! felt awsome!... starting to see a total body composition change... decrease bf, looking more full, sleeping better, absolutely love Test!