Whatever it takes!!

thanks alot guys...

shoulders /tri's today...

db press- 50x10, 65x5, 80x6, 80x5, 70x6-7
side laterals- 22.5x10, 22.5x9, 22.5x8
rear delt on pec fly machine- 115x10, 115x9, 115x8
close grip bench- 135x10, 155x8, 185x8-9?, 205x7, 215x5
skull crushers- 75x8, 75x6, 75x6
tri pushdowns on ez bar- 160x6, 140x7, 140x7-85x7
machine shrugs-3 plates on each side for 3 sets till failur...not sure how the weight works on these machine.

had a great pump today!!
hahaha thanks alot!! i did 1 1/2 weeks of qv dbol and they blew...the UG im taking is soooo much better its like night and day IMO.
Ok yesterday i hit back and had a pretty good PR...

deadlift- 135x10, 185x5, 225x6, 315x5, 405x6PR,225x17

bent bb rows- 135x10, 155x8, 185x5, 155x8

tbar rows- 135x10, 180x3, 120x10, 120x10

close grip pull downs- 150x10, 150x8, 150x6

widegrip cable rows- 120x10, 120x8, 120x6

that was it, had no more in me... 187 pounds.
rookie03 said:
Ok yesterday i hit back and had a pretty good PR...

deadlift- 135x10, 185x5, 225x6, 315x5, 405x6PR,225x17

bent bb rows- 135x10, 155x8, 185x5, 155x8

tbar rows- 135x10, 180x3, 120x10, 120x10

close grip pull downs- 150x10, 150x8, 150x6

widegrip cable rows- 120x10, 120x8, 120x6

that was it, had no more in me... 187 pounds.

nice work.. how many weeks you got left in the cycle rook?
rookie03 said:
Ok yesterday i hit back and had a pretty good PR...

deadlift- 135x10, 185x5, 225x6, 315x5, 405x6PR,225x17

bent bb rows- 135x10, 155x8, 185x5, 155x8

tbar rows- 135x10, 180x3, 120x10, 120x10

close grip pull downs- 150x10, 150x8, 150x6

widegrip cable rows- 120x10, 120x8, 120x6

that was it, had no more in me... 187 pounds.

NICE you are getting strong a hell
Great work rook, getting strong on the DL's!! You didn't like the QV Dbol? Dang, I put on 19lbs in 3 weeks while I was on it at 40mg a day. What UG brand you taking?
MD black lion...much much much better.... thanks alot guys... yea its crazy before i was only at 385x2-3 reps and now i hit 405x6... deadlifts and back movements are the only thing i can feel the strength gains on...not much chest or shoulders.
im goin on my 3rd week and im only up 7-8 pounds though! mannnn. diets very in check also...im gettin almost 4k a day in calories.
405X6 at 187, thats serious dude.

You shoudl go for a 1 repper. I bet you could hit 500 easy.
Thanks alot man... you know maybe ill try it in the next few weeks! kind afraid of 5 plates though... haha it was intimidating doin 4 plates!