Luquillo workout journal

more ass!!! more ass!!! double the fun (are those parite in argentina..i gots to get there)

to be honest..the CEE helps, no doubting that, but i kinda liked the water weight gain from the mono...the strength levels are probably near equal and taking less CEE to achieve the same results as mono makes for interesting trade-off.
Yeah, these are argentine butt too! we apreciate hard bubble butts very much here! and many girls have it!

When I used creatine before, I really didn't feel anything. No gain in size/strengh. Either water retention, nothing. This time I bought another brand so let's see what happens.
12 jan 07


275 x 6
300 x 4
275 x 5
275 x 6

Leg ext:
170 x 12
170 x 13

225 x 34
225 x 29
225 x 25
225 x 23

300 x 12

I had a good workout today. Maybe creatine is working this time.

bw= as low as 172 lbs ... I'm shrinking!
luquillo78 said:
12 jan 07


275 x 6
300 x 4
275 x 5
275 x 6

Leg ext:
170 x 12
170 x 13

225 x 34
225 x 29
225 x 25
225 x 23

300 x 12

I had a good workout today. Maybe creatine is working this time.

bw= as low as 172 lbs ... I'm shrinking!

nice work luq.
sweet high reps calves, bro. I bet they were on fire and you were walking funny and thinking, 'DAMN I AM SO GONNA WRITE THIS IN STEROIDOLOGY.' LOL!!
AngryMuscles said:
sweet high reps calves, bro. I bet they were on fire and you were walking funny and thinking, 'DAMN I AM SO GONNA WRITE THIS IN STEROIDOLOGY.' LOL!!

Thanks angry. Really I'm very used to hight reps on calves and I almost don't get any soreness. Same on SLDL. Maybe I should change to heavier low reps for some time.

Good work & hot avatar bro I think I wanna go down to Argentina now haha
Thanks winter.
Now we have summer here and butts are everywhere! :yumyum:

Your avatar is very hot too!
just posting to put some more butt on the page

nice workout..heavy squatting
15 jan 07


Bent rows:
180 x 10
202 x 9
202 x 8

bw x 12
bw x 8
bw x 8
bw x 7

170 x 8
170 x 8

Seated rows:
220 x 8
230 x 7
230 x 7

BB curls:
66 x 14
66 x 12
66 x 12
66 x 11


No deads today.
I know what you mean about needing to skip deads once in awhile - they're killer on your CNS and body sometimes.

Good workout.
Yes winter, cns needs a break sometimes!


18 jan 07


Pullups: (I do these as shoulder stretch)
bw x 12
bw x 12
bw x 10
bw x 8
bw x 5

bw x 10
bw x 14
25 x 8
25 x 9
35 x 6

Shoulder ok on these.

60 x 11
60 x 11
70 x 8
70 x 9
70 x 8

Tried some very light DB shoulder press but shoulder had some pain so stopped.

Lateral raises:
8 lbs x 12
8 lbs x 12

Tried these and shoulder felt ok but with some discomfort at the top of the movement.

Abs work:
leg raises

My shoulder is now feeling some slight pain when doing some movements. Let's see how it feels tomorrow.
I think I'm still not ready for doing any press. I'll keep only dips and raises for some some more time. The good thing is that when doing dips, shoulder doesn't hurt at all. And 2 months ago I couldn't do them, so I guess I'm better now.
19 jan 07


253 x 6
275 x 6
300 x 4
275 x 5 (box)
275 x 5 (box)

Leg extention:
185 x 10
185 x 10

253 x 30
275 x 20
275 x 19
275 x 18

I started doing heavier calves work. I think it may be prs.

300 x 12

I had a good workout today but it's getting very hard keep my numbers! I hate cutting!