pullinbigs training log.

thanks 69

tuesday 9/25/07 5pm
raw bench, close grip, 355# 3 x 3reps,
medium grip, 355# x 3
workout got cut short
cable flies, x 10reps
decline situps w/band, 2 x 10reps

bw 271
thursday 9/27/07

grapplin drills 1 hour

deads, conv stance, 585# x 5, belt/straps
head harness squats, 2 plates, 2 x 20reps
bb shrugs, 405# 3 x 10reps, no straps
ghr, 3 sets
wide grip pull downs, 2 x 10reps
Someday, yes someday, if I eat my Wheaties, take my vitamins and say my prayers at night, I'll be able to put up some #'s like PB! (OK, I guess some hard work and a shot or two might help too. lol)
ManOfMuscle said:
Why's your name green pb?
He's turned over a new leaf?

This reminds me of times when I actually had time to drive out to a better gym with better people.

At least I still work out.
Exmgq what happened to you? I was following your journal over on intensemuscle and suddenly you disapeared a few months back with no trace what so ever! you still doing your MMA thing? I have a bunch of questions about doing MMA and strength training together; do you think i could send you an email some time?

btw this is alex from IM if you remember