Whatever it takes!!

back today:

bw pull ups- 8, 8, 6

under grip bb bent rows- 135x10, 155x8, 155x8

t-bar- 135x9, 155x6, 155x6

deadlifts- 135x10, 225x8, 315x10 PR!, 365x6PR!

pull downs- 180x6-7

Had to go get girlfriends nephiew from school so workout was rushed!

my new partner has to workout in between work since hes a trainer at my gym... so i only had one meal in me...i popped a few siberian ginsengs took my NO-Xplode...and when i got their I felt weak as fuck and jittery...but had a great workout...on deads my heart and lungs felt strained and i went to grab the garbage and drag it over to where we were!... almost yacked but wasnt lucky enough!

Ps I also did have breakfast before workout...just didnt have the perfect breakfast... muscle milk and bowl of oatmeal.
thanks... didnt plan to do high weight...thought id do maybe 7 at most and just went ape shit on it and banged them out! you guys were right havin a new partner thats into it and knows their shit is very beneficial.
Update... so im getting ready to do my second injection of prop... and ive been on dbol for 2 days now...

Doing a very mild cycle...

weeks-1-6- 350mg of prop at 50mg a day
weeks-1-4- 20mg of dbol a day...
weeks-1-6- 500 IU of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) a week.

moneys pretty tight... would have gotten enanthate...but went for the prop for my first cycle so when i do enanthate it will be a breeze compared to prop... i also have 1 1/2 bottles of nolva, arimidex, pgh, hawthorne berry, saw palmetto, celery seed extract, red rice yeast, milk thistle... just want the supps to help with overall health.

I dont know what it is but my hunger is outta control today! I am not really excited abuot the cycle... so i dont htink its a placebo type of thing...im just really fuckin hungry.
ok chest /calves today

flat db- 42.5x10, 65x8, 80x8, 100x6, 100x5, 80x6

incline bb- 135x5, 185x5, 185x5, 185x4

weighted dips- 45x9, 70x3 1/2, 70x3 1/2

db flies- 25x15, 30x10, 30x10 dropset to 15x7-8

cable undergrip flies- 30x8, 50x5

seated calves- 45x15, 45x15, 45x15

standing- 270x10, 270x10, 270x10

seated weird one- 100x20, 100x20, 120x15
nice work Rook, and good luck on the cycle..looks similar to what i have in mind...except i will be running M1T in place of the Dbol..
I wouldn't. No need to put yourself at risk of an injury and suffer a major set back. Why is it sore? From training or something else?
Ah, well in that case it would be fine to work out a muscle group sore from injections. It's a different type of soreness. One caused from irritation rather then breaking the muscle down.
haha the thing is...it feels like the kind of soreness from a hard leg day... kinda weird. I have a project due tommorow for class so i ended up making myself stay home and work on it... i guess im gonna switch to EOD injections cause after the inject i get sore like 24 hours later... its my 4th day on the cycle...and im up 3 1/2 pounds so thats always nice to see, im sure after post cycle therapy (pct) i wont hold on to even half the weight i gain...but its just nice to see the scales tip up again... im also doin .5ml of arimidex EOD.
shoulders/tri's.... lonnnggg day...

seated military press- 135x8, 155x6, 155x4 1/2

seated db press- 70x5, 70x5, 60x7, 50x9, 50x7

lateral flies- 22.5x9, 25x6, 25x6, 17x9

db shrugs- 100x8, 115x5,

rear delts on pec deck- 115x10, 115x7, 115x6

skull crushers- 75xfailure, 75xfailure, 75xfailure, 75xfailure

single arm db ext- 20x12, 25x8, 25x8,

tri push downs- 130x10, 140x8, 150x6, 150x6,

wanted to do dips instead and close grip instead of the db ext, and pushdowns...but i think i overtrained chest the other day and had a pretty bad case of DOMS.