Whatever it takes!!

Thanks alot! yea i seem to be gettin stuck at this weight so i dont know... three weeks on already of 2 fast acting esters and im still only up 8 pounds... so i dont think im gonna get too much more from this cycle.
rookie03 said:
Thanks alot! yea i seem to be gettin stuck at this weight so i dont know... three weeks on already of 2 fast acting esters and im still only up 8 pounds... so i dont think im gonna get too much more from this cycle.

You can get more man, it's all in how much you're willing to eat.
rookie03 said:
Thanks alot! yea i seem to be gettin stuck at this weight so i dont know... three weeks on already of 2 fast acting esters and im still only up 8 pounds... so i dont think im gonna get too much more from this cycle.
Good Job getting as strong as you did. I would take a few days off, maybe even a week as some bodybuilders recommend. The break can make you a lot stronger believe it or not. It's worked for me. I always switch everything up. Diet, Workout, Low Reps to High Reps back to Low reps. Try changing something or maybe just the rest?
rookie03 said:
Thanks alot! yea i seem to be gettin stuck at this weight so i dont know... three weeks on already of 2 fast acting esters and im still only up 8 pounds... so i dont think im gonna get too much more from this cycle.

Okay, lets get to it. You are not eating enaough and that is why you are stuck. Eat more. Post what you eat daily so we can move you to 200lbs.
No pics. Ok. Would like to see you all buffed up on test though.

Your stuck on that weight 'cause your a pussy and your a pussy because I said so!!

Rookie watch that bf% bro, you about my height and I know when I hit 190 I am looking pretty plump. see my first pics this year. i don't think you wanna get too fat do you?:)
tman55 said:
No pics. Ok. Would like to see you all buffed up on test though.

Your stuck on that weight 'cause your a pussy and your a pussy because I said so!!

Rookie watch that bf% bro, you about my height and I know when I hit 190 I am looking pretty plump. see my first pics this year. i don't think you wanna get too fat do you?:)

Fat is good, fat=happy and eating good stuff and not this bland shit every day:) :wiggle:
Thanks alot guys! Ill post up pics probably some time next week...kinda buisy this week. got a new puppy that been bein a little bastard so im always babysitting it.

typical days diet:

meal 1- 8 egg white 1 yolk, 3-4 slices turkey bacon, 4 slices of wheat bread

meal 2- 2 wheat sandwhiches with turkey and american cheese and big glass of fat free milk.

meal 3- chicken breast and brown rice-

meal 4- wheat bagel with peanut butter

meal 5- whey shake and 4 slices of white bread

meal 6- 6-7 egg whites and 4 slices of turkey bacon and oatmeal orrrr chicken breast and pasta or brown rice

meal 7- whey shake in milk or some other leaner low carb protein.
tman55 said:
No pics. Ok. Would like to see you all buffed up on test though.

Your stuck on that weight 'cause your a pussy and your a pussy because I said so!!

Rookie watch that bf% bro, you about my height and I know when I hit 190 I am looking pretty plump. see my first pics this year. i don't think you wanna get too fat do you?:)

haha geez i guess im a pussy if T says so! nah i wont keep bulking as long as i can see my 4 pack!
rookie03 said:
Thanks alot guys! Ill post up pics probably some time next week...kinda buisy this week. got a new puppy that been bein a little bastard so im always babysitting it.

typical days diet:

meal 1- 8 egg white 1 yolk, 3-4 slices turkey bacon, 4 slices of wheat bread

meal 2- 2 wheat sandwhiches with turkey and american cheese and big glass of fat free milk.

meal 3- chicken breast and brown rice-

meal 4- wheat bagel with peanut butter

meal 5- whey shake and 4 slices of white bread

meal 6- 6-7 egg whites and 4 slices of turkey bacon and oatmeal orrrr chicken breast and pasta or brown rice

meal 7- whey shake in milk or some other leaner low carb protein.

Oh my god no wonder your not gaining more. You need to add Some Yams Walnuts and more chicken along with more protien shakes.
damn... haha my appetite seems to be pretty supressed with this stuff also, im not hungry really at all, not pwo and barely inthe mornings...but i used to be hungry all day.
Mulligan said:
Oh my god no wonder your not gaining more. You need to add Some Yams Walnuts and more chicken along with more protien shakes.

i stay away from anything that can cause increase in estrogen...and ive read yams can do it...so no deal with those, but i agree more chicken and i need to get some fuckin steak!!!!
rookie03 said:
i stay away from anything that can cause increase in estrogen...and ive read yams can do it...so no deal with those, but i agree more chicken and i need to get some fuckin steak!!!!

Do you have an Albertson's where you live?
rookie03 said:
i stay away from anything that can cause increase in estrogen...and ive read yams can do it...so no deal with those, but i agree more chicken and i need to get some fuckin steak!!!!

yada yada yada
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rookie03 said:
i stay away from anything that can cause increase in estrogen...and ive read yams can do it...so no deal with those, but i agree more chicken and i need to get some fuckin steak!!!!

I doubt there is any food that will increase Estrogen enough to cause adverse side effects.