Whatever it takes!!

hahaha fair enough... all i know is when i was little and they diagnosed me with gyno they told me to drink organic milk and soy milk and i get itchy nips if i drink alot of soy.... plus last blood work i had my prolactin levels were elevated pretty high.
rookie03 said:
hahaha fair enough... all i know is when i was little and they diagnosed me with gyno they told me to drink organic milk and soy milk and i get itchy nips if i drink alot of soy.... plus last blood work i had my prolactin levels were elevated pretty high.

i don't have any experience with that type of sensitivity. you got some sensitive nipps. test not bothering you huh?
no b6 is keepin prolactin down which i naturally have and .5 ml of arimidex is also helping!

back/abs/calves today

deadlift- 135x10, 225x5, 315x5, 425x3pr (wanted more but grip gave out) 405x4

bb bent rows- 135x10, 185x7, 195x5, 195x6-150x6-95x10

cable rows- 165x10, 195x6, 195x6

wide grip supinated pull downs- 165x11, 185x8, 195x6, 195x6-135x6-90x6

t bar rows- 135x10, 180x7, 180x7

pull ups- bw x 7, bw x 7

ate a beef rice bowl with a salad then went back to the gym and did abs and calves while waiting for my ride....cars clutch is broken so i was stuck for a fuckin hour!
Mulligan said:
Do you have an Albertson's where you live?

yes i have an albertsons a block away i shop their sometimes but its expensive so i like to go to costco which is a warehouse you buy shit in bulk.
i would strap up but i cant ever feel comforatable with the hand thats under gripped it just doesnt feel right! plus i believe in making those fuckin forearms strengthen with your body! my lifting parner broke both his wrists and has like hands make out of fuckin pins and metal so he has to strap up, but i agree i used to do static holds i should start them again!
rookie03 said:
i would strap up but i cant ever feel comforatable with the hand thats under gripped it just doesnt feel right! plus i believe in making those fuckin forearms strengthen with your body! my lifting parner broke both his wrists and has like hands make out of fuckin pins and metal so he has to strap up, but i agree i used to do static holds i should start them again!

don't like the double overhand grip?
tman55 said:
don't like the double overhand grip?

ive tried it, it feels kinds weird! do you do double overhand? Thanks alot adida... i was actually pretty let down i really wanted to get more in their, like 5 reps instead of 3 was my goal. forearms are still sore as fuck from my back work...had to take yesterday off due to having a final on thursday...might make myself stay home today as well.
rookie03 said:
yes i have an albertsons a block away i shop their sometimes but its expensive so i like to go to costco which is a warehouse you buy shit in bulk.

They sell steaks cheap usually about 1100am during day. Steaks they need to get rid of. You can get some big ass t-bones that would norm cost 10.00 for 4.00 . take a look
Hey rook, if you rely solely on your grip and don't use straps for deads, you'll more than likely limit or slow down strength gains. Your grip normally can't keep up with increases in back strength especially while on. They are a great training tool, ask PB.
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ok did quads last night... wasnt too impressive.

hams/bi's/calves today

stiff leg deads- 135x6, 185x6, 225x6, 275x6PR, 226x9

hamtractor- 90x9, 110x8, 110x8-60x6

leg curls- 95x10, 80x7, 80x7-60x6

barbell curls- 45x12, 65x12, 85x7, 85x6-7?

incline db curls- 30x9, 30x7, 30x7

spider curls- 45x14, 65x8, 65x8

outer grip ez bar- 65x12, 65x8

seated calves- 4 sets
standing calves- 4 sets

That was it... too hungry to keep going.

weighed 190 this morning.
thanks jt... yea i just have weak grip so ive never liked using wraps for anything but power and hang cleans... i guess im gonna have to start using a pair!

oh yea and i did a really good inject i mean very clean, washed everything, heated everything up, alcohol rub on arm and vial and all that, and now its a little red but its hot to the touch!... i dont know man... i hope my body will fight this shit off and not become abcess. its not as red as it was yesterday which is a good sign, but its still pretty hot.