Whatever it takes!!

Yeah, it's nothing out of the ordinary. If it began to be hot a week after the injection then it may be a concern. But at this point there is absolutely nothing to worry about.
fair enough, thanks aboot... why is it hot though? is it infected and my bodys trying to fight it off orrr? im not worried any more just curious as to the reason.
Just your body's immediate reaction to having a foreign substance introduced into it. I would expect that it should return to normal in a couple of days, if not sooner.
Thanks alot aboot...

side note... i had my hair grown to my middle back, and i went to get it trimmed for the first time in 2 years and i said take 2 inches off the fuckin lady took off 4 and i couldnt even pull it back and more with a rubber band so i had her cut it all off, what the fuck?? i miss my hair already... everyone says i look better and bigger, but i dont give a shit i miss my hair....

side note: for as far as the cycle is going... i felt really shut down the other night, couldnt even get it up! no problems now, but for some reason the other day it just wasnt cooperating... hcg is definately a big factor in this in my opinion, for every cycle i ever do i will do hcg...ive also started taking 10mg of nolva a day, and im on .5ml of arimidex ed instead of eod... my lumps arent getting bigger but my nipps are puffier and i cant stand that shit! 190 pounds as of this morning.
rookie03 said:
Thanks alot aboot...

side note... i had my hair grown to my middle back, and i went to get it trimmed for the first time in 2 years and i said take 2 inches off the fuckin lady took off 4 and i couldnt even pull it back and more with a rubber band so i had her cut it all off, what the fuck?? i miss my hair already... everyone says i look better and bigger, but i dont give a shit i miss my hair....

side note: for as far as the cycle is going... i felt really shut down the other night, couldnt even get it up! no problems now, but for some reason the other day it just wasnt cooperating... hcg is definately a big factor in this in my opinion, for every cycle i ever do i will do hcg...ive also started taking 10mg of nolva a day, and im on .5ml of arimidex ed instead of eod... my lumps arent getting bigger but my nipps are puffier and i cant stand that shit! 190 pounds as of this morning.

She did you a favor cutting extra off. If you are having Gyno Prob you prob need to take 40mg Nolva till itching stops. how much longer on Cycle?
rookie03 said:
side note... i had my hair grown to my middle back, and i went to get it trimmed for the first time in 2 years and i said take 2 inches off the fuckin lady took off 4 and i couldnt even pull it back and more with a rubber band so i had her cut it all off, what the fuck?? i miss my hair already... everyone says i look better and bigger, but i dont give a shit i miss my hair....

Rookie no offense bro, but i bet you look alot better with the short hair. you already an ugly mf, the long hair just accentuated the fact. with the short hair i bet you really do look bigger. my traps always look bigger with short hair.

Oh and you ugly because I said so!
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tman55 said:
Rookie no offense bro, but i bet you look alot better with the short hair. you already an ugly mf, the long hair just accentuated the fact. with the short hair i bet you really do look bigger. my traps always look bigger with short hair.

Oh and you ugly because I said so!

hahahahahaha... mann so last weak i was a pussy and now im ugly.... tman are you on the rag??? haha just kidding, tried giving you reps but this place says i need to spread some more around, maybe ill give some more reps to mulligan.
She did you a favor cutting extra off. If you are having Gyno Prob you prob need to take 40mg Nolva till itching stops. how much longer on Cycle?

the nips arent that itchy put i already have gyno and it looks puffier so i started taking arimidex ed and nolvadex ed.
rookie03 said:
hahahahahaha... mann so last weak i was a pussy and now im ugly.... tman are you on the rag??? haha just kidding, tried giving you reps but this place says i need to spread some more around, maybe ill give some more reps to mulligan.

no just lovin on you
haha ok.


db press- 80x7, 80x6, 65x12

side laterals- 25x10, 25x10

supinated front raises-25x10, 25x10

cg bench- 185x5, 205x7, 215x6, 215x4

weighted dips (weird grip, went to new gym today)- 45x8, 70x7, 85x6, 85x3

rear delts cables- 30x10, 30x10, 30x10

that was it for the day. nothin to crazy, weight is between 190-192.
rookie03 said:
why do you think that is?

oh i wouldn't have an idea. to me it sounds a little odd, but have no idead really.

is it common for one to dip more than they can bench? let's see a video and look at form. other than that ??. However, i would do as much as i could do for reps like you are doing.