Whatever it takes!!

Ok It took me forever to try to downsize these... had to to it on microsoft paint, so heres a few of the newer pics, I got more on my comp but not enough patience to downsize them all!
rookie03 said:
Ok It took me forever to try to downsize these... had to to it on microsoft paint, so heres a few of the newer pics, I got more on my comp but not enough patience to downsize them all!

best i have seen of you yet. shoulders, traps, chest abs all lookin really good.

best of all bro seriously you look better with short hair. you a handsome buck now!
rookie03 said:
Ok It took me forever to try to downsize these... had to to it on microsoft paint, so heres a few of the newer pics, I got more on my comp but not enough patience to downsize them all!

Look better. more size. Is that a Shamrock lucky charm necklace?

Man your hair looks alot better. I think cutting the hair gave you little more size.

Lets see some leg shots? Oh and clean that counter top and take the blue jean bow down from the entry way.
I have to have something on my wrist or i feel uncomforatable, so i figure might as well be something that is for charity... Thanks alot guys...I feel much better, Heaviest Ive ever been plus leanest! Ill post some leg shots.... I measured them last week at 26 inches, but thats where I hold water more than any where haha and fat!
bw was 189-190 this morning... how long is it supposed to take for you to lose some of your gains from your cycle if your on short estered gear?
Mulligan said:
Look better. more size. Is that a Shamrock lucky charm necklace?

Man your hair looks alot better. I think cutting the hair gave you little more size.

Lets see some leg shots? Oh and clean that counter top and take the blue jean bow down from the entry way.

no its a jade buddah, and i have a cross on it as well.
rookie03 said:
bw was 189-190 this morning... how long is it supposed to take for you to lose some of your gains from your cycle if your on short estered gear?

Prob within week or 2. Everyone is diff. Be prepared to deal with losing strength and size mentally. And make sure to finish that PCT.
rookie03 said:
bw was 189-190 this morning... how long is it supposed to take for you to lose some of your gains from your cycle if your on short estered gear?

Prob within week or 2. Everyone is diff.
Ok heres whats been goin on...im waking up at 187 every morning...im currently on 40mg of nolva a day, and .50cc of pgh split up morinng and night...pgh scares the shit outta me because i have ashma and its really fuckin hard to breath a 1 minute after my shot.

I dont know what it is but since i got off cycle I had a sweet tooth?? I hate sugary things, dont like candy, dont like anytihng like that, but now i crave sweets? Could that have anything to do with my hormones bein out of whack?

Sex drive has never left...actually its better since i got off cycle!

edit.....i meant to ask if it was possibly the pgh making you crave sweets.
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pgh is just injectable gaba... i sleep soooo good and deep on this shit its awsome, but i doubt it could make me crave sweets it was just my first two days post cycle therapy (pct) that i craved sweets now its gone, i dont like sweet shit as a rule.

hit back yesterday heres how it went

deadlift- 225x8, 315x6, 405x8PR, 405x5

pull ups- bw x 8, bw x 8, bw x 6

bent bb rows- 135x12, 155x8, 185x7,

row machine- 3 45's on each side i did 8 reps for 3 sets

pull downs- 195x8, 195x5, 180x5-150x4-120x6

cable rows- 135x11, 120x10, 120x9

little ab work, then i went downstairs and posed for a while....kinda sucks posing at 15%bf but oh well, never too early to get practice, shows in 11 months! im probly gonna be doin another 2 6 week cycles before...on more cycle to pack some on, and one just to help retain while im cutting.
rookie03 said:
pgh is just injectable gaba... i sleep soooo good and deep on this shit its awsome, but i doubt it could make me crave sweets it was just my first two days post cycle therapy (pct) that i craved sweets now its gone, i dont like sweet shit as a rule.

hit back yesterday heres how it went

deadlift- 225x8, 315x6, 405x8PR, 405x5

pull ups- bw x 8, bw x 8, bw x 6

bent bb rows- 135x12, 155x8, 185x7,

row machine- 3 45's on each side i did 8 reps for 3 sets

pull downs- 195x8, 195x5, 180x5-150x4-120x6

cable rows- 135x11, 120x10, 120x9

little ab work, then i went downstairs and posed for a while....kinda sucks posing at 15%bf but oh well, never too early to get practice, shows in 11 months! im probly gonna be doin another 2 6 week cycles before...on more cycle to pack some on, and one just to help retain while im cutting.

Do you pose in the nude or thong?
rookie03 said:
pgh is just injectable gaba... i sleep soooo good and deep on this shit its awsome, but i doubt it could make me crave sweets it was just my first two days post cycle therapy (pct) that i craved sweets now its gone, i dont like sweet shit as a rule.

hit back yesterday heres how it went

deadlift- 225x8, 315x6, 405x8PR, 405x5

pull ups- bw x 8, bw x 8, bw x 6

bent bb rows- 135x12, 155x8, 185x7,

row machine- 3 45's on each side i did 8 reps for 3 sets

pull downs- 195x8, 195x5, 180x5-150x4-120x6

cable rows- 135x11, 120x10, 120x9

little ab work, then i went downstairs and posed for a while....kinda sucks posing at 15%bf but oh well, never too early to get practice, shows in 11 months! im probly gonna be doin another 2 6 week cycles before...on more cycle to pack some on, and one just to help retain while im cutting.

smart to start practicing now. i was posing nude the other day and noticed i have striations on my ass:)
nah i just pull my gym shorts up into a bikini!

my next two cycles... i know my next one is gonna be 500mg of test enanthate, and maybe thats it... or maybe that with a dbol kickstart...

and my 3rd cycle will be probably primo and anavar, or something like that... their really expensive.... but that will be a cycle where im cutting weight and trying to keep the muscle mass that i have. Id throw prop in, but that shit hurts pretty bad!

haha you would have striations on your ass wouldnt you... squattin 500 pounds and shit, must be where you get your power from.

yesterday was a pretty good quad day... did about 14 working sets and their was no PR's..

today was a 40 minute chest workout...

incline bb- 135x10, 135x8, 155x5, 185x7, 185x7

flat db- 70x8, 95x6, 95x5, 75x8

4 sets of cable flies, two from under grip and two from regular grip.

that was it... bodyweight is 184-186.
Good one rook, strong incline work.

Why are you going with the shorter 6 week cycles? If you're gonna run Test E, I would go at least 10 weeks.