Whatever it takes!!

That's cool, but just a word of advice. I wouldn't plan on being able to cut like you want to in 6 weeks, more like 10-14, at least for me.
rookie03 said:
haha you would have striations on your ass wouldnt you... squattin 500 pounds and shit, must be where you get your power from.

i don't think so, i haven't squatted 500 before i don't think.
JT190 said:
That's cool, but just a word of advice. I wouldn't plan on being able to cut like you want to in 6 weeks, more like 10-14, at least for me.

i was gonna cut for 12 weeks, but i was just gonna kinda hope the Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) would help me retain some muscle,not to help me get shredded... so thats why i was only gonna do 6 weeks, plus i doubt i could afford 12 weeks of primo.
rookie03 said:
i was gonna cut for 12 weeks, but i was just gonna kinda hope the Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) would help me retain some muscle,not to help me get shredded... so thats why i was only gonna do 6 weeks, plus i doubt i could afford 12 weeks of primo.

In that case, just run some test at 3-400mg/week for 10-12 weeks with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). It's much cheaper and will do the same thing as Primo. Primo is el weako, don't waste you hard earned $.
rookie03 said:
good lookin out...thank you! if i do test again i want to do enanthate or cyponate... No more PROP!

Yeah bro, just trying to help:) I've basically cut the last 12 weeks on 600mg of EQ(which I think sux) and 400mg Test, just to maintain muscle while in a caloric deficit.

I bet!! Prop sux, ED or EOD gets old, never done it, but I can imagine. My next cutter will be Test E and Tren E, in about 2-3 years.
rookie03 said:
How much more are you gonna cut?

1.5 more weeks, then i'm running a mini bulker for 2 weeks b/c i've got an informal meet coming up. After I get back from vacation next week, i'm upping my Test to 500mg and adding 40mg dbol to get some of my strength back, then i'm off until Oct.
Today was hams/bi's

went light on everything... lower back was hurting.

sldl-185x12, 185x12, 185x11,

db curls for hams-50x8, 50x6,40x8-30x4

single leg hamtractor- 40x10, 40x10, 40x10

weighted abs 4 sets and leg raises

barbell curls- 45x12, 65x10, 95x8, 65x7

incline db curls- 30x8, 30x6, 25x8

reverse bb curls-50x8,50x8, 50x8

outer grip ez bar curls- 65x7, 55x6, 40x8

that was it... i have decent inner bi's but im trying to build outer bi's.
Ok today was shoulders/tri's

db press- 70x12, 80x7, 80x6

cg bench- 185x6, 205x6, 205x6+1 slow negative

side laterals supersetted with rear delts on fly machine 3 sets each.

db shrugs- 115x5, 105x6 grip gave out

tricep ext- 150x12, 160x8, 160x8

single arm db ext- 22.5x12, 22x5x12

that was it...

just bought some new supplements...

cassien, whey, glutamine powder, zma, bcaa's... I quit taking the pgh...that shit scares me with how hard it is to breath.

i think gluatmine is makin a big difference, and since i added cassien to my nightime protein shake it is alot easier to keep gain and to wake up heavier. bw-186-189.
i take it only after i lift and i usually throw it in my protien mix and just add like 4oz more water to it or I mix it into orange juice

Next time I go get tuna I might try OJ/Tuna/Glutamine for a post workout concoction.....speakin of that Vander has been MIA for a while

I use between 1 and 2 grams all depends if I forgot to take it the day before or not
I have read 15-20g is the way to go?

Update... havent been posting but have been hittin it hard!... woke up this morning at a pissed off 183 so i had a whey shake and glutamine, waited 20 minutes and ate a whole fuckin pizza...show my body to wake up that light! haha the rest of the days dieting was clean and perfect... had some abalone that my dad dived for for my post post workout meal... bodyweight as of now is 189... had a few PR's but been training with higher reps for a while and seein how it works... nothign crazy just 6-10 reps instead of 4-6.
Ok heres an update... ive dropped 12 pounds, and began cutting...ive been bulking for around 2 years i believe and am just curious what my body will look like at 10 percent so im shootin to get to 170... by that time im gonna get back on and do a test enanthate 10 weeker at 500mg a week.