Whatever it takes!!

ok back today...

bb rows- 155x10, 185x7, 185x7, 185x7

t-bar in corner- 155x9, 180x6, 155x8

weighted pull ups- bw+25x6, bw+25x4-drop set- bw x 4

upper hand seated rows (one handed)- 135x7, 135x7, 135x6

db rows- 45x10, 55x7

cg pull downs- 180x6, 165x6, 165x5-135x4, 90x4

that was all I had in me... body weight is up 4 pounds so far... dbol is kickin in slowly but surely.

ate well over 4k in calories today.
Thanks for comin and checkin out my log everyone...

i didnt pull because my lower back is still been actin weird so it looks like im for sure not doin that deadlift competition...
hahahaha you guys are funny...

Ok update.. yesterday I had somethin weird goin on, i felt dizzy, weak, my whole body ached all day... felt like i was gettin the flu... maybe andro flu who knows?? feelin almost better today so yea... yesterday I could barely spot my clients at work because everything felt so heavy, so i missed the gym... also only ate 2 meals in 13 hours...felt sick!
i dont know...i never get sick... took my first shot of 250mg of test and 300mg of eq on saturday,, and took 50mg of dbol ed...and i felt like i had the flu...everything felt heavy, i felt sick, had to yack a few times, body ached...just the flu...and i never get the flu so my only explanation was its the andro flu.
squats-245x8, 275x8, 295x6PR!!!

leg press- 14 plates x 12, 16x12, 16+25x9

walking db lunges- 45xfail, 45xfail, 45xfail

that was it... had a shitty night... cars broken, girlfriends cars broken so i had no ride to work today...stressed out...but my dad luckily gave me a ride.
Those are nice numbers - congrats on the PR!!...but what do you mean by fail?? Why didn't you drop the weight??

Hope everything turns around for you!!
Hey thanks alot for saying that... thats sweet of you.

I do walkin db lunges till i collapse...haha i always do it that way...for some reason that workout is the great equalizer, it kills my legs more than 20 rep sets of squats.
rookie03 said:
i dont know...i never get sick... took my first shot of 250mg of test and 300mg of eq on saturday,, and took 50mg of dbol ed...and i felt like i had the flu...everything felt heavy, i felt sick, had to yack a few times, body ached...just the flu...and i never get the flu so my only explanation was its the andro flu.

That will pass