Whatever it takes!!

okkkk... back today...

bent rows- 135x11, 155x9, 155x7, 165x5

t bar- 135x8, 160x6, 165x5

deadlifts- 135x12, 185x5-8?, 225x5, 315x6, 365x4, 370x3 1/2...

pull downs- 180x8, 195x5, 180x5,

supinated close grip pull ups- bwx8, bwx6, bwx4, bwx3

weighted abs- 100x16, 110x12, 130x9, 130x9

close grip cable rows- 150x5, 110x8

That was it!
yea i think i might be their too...thing is i wont use wraps or gloves...just chalk... and on the 4 th rep of 370 my hand gave out and thats why it was only 3 1/2 cause i was holding it all with my fingertips! thanks alot though guys...ill max out in a few months... i never max on anything cause i think it wastes a workout...id rather just progress with low reps than maxing...
Whenever I max out, I always do my usual exercise reps and stuff and then I'd take a 5min break and then max.
rookie03 said:
i never max on anything cause i think it wastes a workout...id rather just progress with low reps than maxing...

That's wrong. After you do a 1 rep max on deads you'll feel muscles you didn't even know you had burning up.
great news!!! I did legs today!

squats- 135x12, 155x8, 185x14, 275x5, 275x5, 225x10, 225x8

bb lunges- 115x8, 125x6,

hack squats- 180x12, 270x6-7, 180x9, 90x14

stiff leg deads- 135x10, 186x7, 225x6, 225x4,

db curls for hams- 50x8, 50x8, 50x4, 50x2

hamstring curls- 85x5, 70x5, 65x5, 50x6

standing calves- 270x12, 270x10, 270x8, 240x12, 240x7, 315x6

haha well heres what im so proud of myself for... my muscle to the middle of my quads right by where the quad and knee connect kept cramping at the end so i was like man i really hit legs hard today!

well I drive home everythings fine....drive girlfriend home...still good.... haha then when i get home i take one step out and my quad cramps, then the other quad cramps so i collapse to my knees in the grass in front of the house... i try to stand up like 5 times but it keeps cramping so i actually had to bear crawl to my front door, bear crawl to my parents room and wake my mom up to get me a protein shake since i just couldnt fuckin stand...first time i actually had to crawl to my door...hopefully i can keep up that kinda intensity where i cant walk after legs all the time! Felt like a savage! Sitting on the kitchen floor for about 25 minutes, and drinkin a whey shake, i couldnt have been happier!
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thanks aboot!... my next goal is to have to be carried out of the gym, i always hear stories of tom platz hitting it so hard that he had to get carried out!
hahahah that funny - some guy moanin and growling as they bear crawl to the door cuz they cant stand up. Lol well, nice workout. :D
legs are still ridiculously sore!

yesterday was shoulders and triceps:

seated military- 115x10, 135x8, 155x4, 155x4, 135x6

db press- 60x6, 60x6, 60x5,

db laterals- 15x10, 15x9, 15x7

supinated grip db raises- 22.5x8, 22.5x8, 20x6

weighted dips- 45x9, 55x7, 70x4, 70x3

close grip bench- 135x8, 185x5, 185x5, 185x3-4

decline skull crushers- 75x7, 75x5, 75x4

tricep ext- 120x14, 100x10

Long hard workout...got a new workout partner and hes into it just as much if not more than me so we hit it pretty hard.
Nice rookie. you will def benefit from having someone push you. noticed you are going heavier on the weighted dips. be careful to go slow and se good form on those. they tend to be shoulder destroyers for some. you getting stronger?
umm id say im catching up to the strength I had on the pro hormone I did.. cause my squat was 285 for 4 i think and now im dieing on 275x5... and my close grip was 205x6 i think and now i rep 185...just little differences so who know maybe im overtraining? Dont worry on dips i go super slow! Good lookin out though brother.