Angry Angry Angry

Are the 210's hard? If they are, you have lost quite a bit of strength since your break my friend... Fix that.
210 isn't hard at all when done conven...but i'm sumo now, bro! it's really differnt for me and honestly, i'm slowly climbing back again. i'm quite happy about 210x2 done sumo!
Are you flipflopping around with the stances - conventional and sumo? If so, I would say to stick with one so you can get stronger on that one stance.
i maxed out at conven with 276 and can't seem to go any further..for now. so after my break, i went sumo and see how it does me.
also, it's holy week's a serious holiday that not even 1 gym is open and my knee is still not good enough for jogging still. so this will be my cardio/strength for a while.