MY bulk cycle log.

Mr. dB said:
Hah! You KNOW me! I'm not too embarrassed to lie flat on my back under the squat cage between sets, letting the cold steel Diamond-Plate platform rejuvinate what's left of my lumbar area. Sometimes I fantasize about the bar falling on my head so I won't have to do any more sets, but then I remember that the safety bars would still protect me.

Also in the no-fun category -- loading up the decline leg press to do calves, on d-bol, after having done squats and SLDLs. "Ouch, I think I'll stop at 9 plates/side today!"

Gawd I love d-bol!

At my gym, no little old ladies venture down to the dungeon where the squat rack and other implements for serious lifters are hidden, they stay upstairs with the cardio and Cybex and Butt-Blaster. That way the old ladies' sensibilities won't be permanently damaged by the sight, sounds, and smells of sweaty, hairy men lifting heavy things and scratching themselves in unmentionable places. The hot fitness babes and female BBs seem to like the dungeon just fine though...

Oops, sorry Mike, didn't mean to hijack your thread...

damn sounds like all the bros in the dungeon are real men and from texas where men are men and the sheep run scared :D , ps you forgot to mention throwing up after scratching yourself
Saturday- Day 63

Nolva- 20mg

Training- Day Off

Comments- I was supposed to workout again today but I didn't. I was waiting for my gf to get here, then when she did, I was tired. So I just stayed home again.
My ass is still sore too, getting better though.
Sunday- Day 64

Arimidex- .5mg
Dbol- 40mg
Test- 250mg
EQ- 200mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Delts/Triceps
I started out kind of slow and tired. But I warmed up and finally got focused and had a pretty good workout. I was starting to feel like shit since I did not workout in like 5 days. So I am glad I finally did!

Seated DB Press- 45x12; 65x12; 85x10; 105x7
Bent Lateral Raise- 30x12; 40x10; 50x10
Standing Lateral Raise- 35x12; 45x10; 55x8
Lying DB tricep ext.- 25x12; 35x10; 40x8
Standing Cable Pressdown- 105x12; 130x10; 150x10

20min- bike

Comments- I did not get a chance to weight myself, but I can tell I lost some weight from me being sick. These next 3 weeks I am going to eat like crazy. I want to get to atleast 230-235 before the end of the cycle. So we'll see if I can make up some of this weight.
Also I am not sure how well I am responding to the dbol this time around. I have not felt any of the back pumps. Tomorrow is back day, so that will be the real test. Well see what happens.

Other people talk about the dbol pumps and the various muscles they get it in. I only feel it in my lower back. Just straight pain and spasming. Is this the same with you? It's not like I go to the gym, do one curl, and my bicep blows up.
Actually i get crazy pumps in most of my muscles. Especially biceps! Chest and upper back get good pumps too. That is why I am kind of worried. However I did not workout for 5 days, so we'll see today when I do back. Especailly with DL's!
Just wanted to bump this awesome thread. Also, is there a specific reason you decided to go back on the dbol in the last 4 weeks?
I figured not many people do it, so i would try it. I wanted to make the most out of this bulking cycle. Plus the people that I talked to that have done it said it works good.
Well see what happens!
Man dude, sorry to hear u are sick. Whats the deal?? is it just like a minor cold?

Mebbe is the thermos stressin out ur adrenals. Are u supping with a B-complex thruout the day and extra vit c?
Honestly I think it was the dbol. The same thing happened the very first week of the cycle. I think it was just my body reacting to the 'new' compound. I just felt really tired and out of it.
Monday - Day 65

Dbol- 40mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Back/Traps
Pretty good workout. I was a little lazy at first. But I got motivated and pumped right away. I still do not have the lower back pumps like I did the first 4 weeks of dbol. I don't know if that is good or bad!

Deadlifts- 135x10; 225x5; 365x5; 495x2
DB Rows- 110x10; 130x10; 150x7
Lat Pulldowns to front- 160x10; 200x9; 240x6
BB Shrugs- 185x10; 225x10; 275x8; 305x7

20min- Bike

Comments- I got all my meals in today. I need to make sure I do that from now on. I only have 1 more injection, which is on Wed. I am going to miss them!!LOL
I am a little worried that I am not getting the back pumps yet. I don't know if it is because I am used to it this time around or what. They are the same dbols, so I just don't know. Maybe it will just take a little longer to really kick in.
crazymike said:

I am a little worried that I am not getting the back pumps yet. I don't know if it is because I am used to it this time around or what. They are the same dbols, so I just don't know. Maybe it will just take a little longer to really kick in.

Worried? You should be thanking God for small favors!

Tuesday - Day 66

Dbol- 40mg
Arimidex- 1mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Day Off

Comments- I got all of my meals in today, so that was a good thing. I am starting to feel the effects of the Dbol kicking in. I am breathing harder and can tell my bp has gone up a little. I was rolling on the floor with my son, and shit I was all out of breath within a few seconds!!LOL
Good thing I started doing some cardio, I can tell I am getting 'out of shape'!
quesion on d-bol

hey man i have a question i am getting ready to do the same cycle you are on this june. now my question is is it hard to do cardio on d-bol i have heard it raises your heartbeat and breath. thanks man i love readingyour journal makes me feel ready to do this cycle
Well the first 4 weeks of the cycle that I was on Dbol I did not do any cardio. I just started doing cardio this past week, the same time as I started the dbol. So far no problems. I noticed that my HR gets up fast, but that might be just due to me being out of shape. I have not done cardio in a long time. But now that I have been doing cardio frequently, it is getting better.
Wed. - Day 67

Dbol- 40mg
Test- 250mg
Eq- 200mg
Nolva- 20mg

Training- Chest/Biceps
Pretty good workout. Started out kind of tired, but got into it pretty quick. I am getting the pumps from the Dbol now. No lower back pumps yet. Tomorrow is legs, so that will be the real test!
I tried to get a max lift on Flat Bench, so that is the reason for the odd numbers. I missed my max, which I should not have even tried anyway. I almost got it, but could not get it out of the hole. After the max attempt I just did some stripped supersets.

Flat BB Press- 135x12; 225x10; 315x2, 405x0; 315x4; 225x8; 135x10
Incline BB Press- 185x10; 235x8; 285x5
Decline DB Press- 65x12; 85x10; 110x7

Standing BB Curl- 75x14; 95x10; 105x8
Bar Preacher Curl- 75x10; 85x8; 85x8
Standing DB Curl- 50x8; 60x5

Comments- I got almost all my meals in again. I noticed that I am looking tighter. i don't know if it is the dbol, or maybe cuz I started doing cardio. Either way I am looking better.
Tonight was my last injection.:( Oh well, the cycle is coming down to the end.

How much weight did you gain from the beginning? Was it a steady gain or did it plateau at a point?

I gained almost all my weight in the first 4 weeks or so. After that it has stayed about the same. Maybe a couple pounds here or there. But the looks have changed. First I looke dblown up, then I staretd to get soft, now it is getting tight again. Still keeping the same weight just about for the last 4 weeks or so.