Mr. dB said:
Hah! You KNOW me! I'm not too embarrassed to lie flat on my back under the squat cage between sets, letting the cold steel Diamond-Plate platform rejuvinate what's left of my lumbar area. Sometimes I fantasize about the bar falling on my head so I won't have to do any more sets, but then I remember that the safety bars would still protect me.
Also in the no-fun category -- loading up the decline leg press to do calves, on d-bol, after having done squats and SLDLs. "Ouch, I think I'll stop at 9 plates/side today!"
Gawd I love d-bol!
At my gym, no little old ladies venture down to the dungeon where the squat rack and other implements for serious lifters are hidden, they stay upstairs with the cardio and Cybex and Butt-Blaster. That way the old ladies' sensibilities won't be permanently damaged by the sight, sounds, and smells of sweaty, hairy men lifting heavy things and scratching themselves in unmentionable places. The hot fitness babes and female BBs seem to like the dungeon just fine though...
Oops, sorry Mike, didn't mean to hijack your thread...