MY bulk cycle log.

Friday- Day 34

Training- Day Off

Nothing much to comment on. I got most of my meals in. I had a lot of work to do, so I had to skip one meal.
Saturday- Day 35

Training- Day Off

Comments: ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!!.:rockband: :Present: :elephant: :dj: :bikini:
Me, my son and my GF all went to the beach. It was very fun. I took my shirt off and was suprised at all the compliments I was getting even though I am pushing prob 14%BF or so. One lady told me I should stand in the corner and charge people $20 to take a picture with me!!LOL
I got the pictures back. They came out pretty good. Def. a difference from the before. Some were a little washed out from the flash. I should have them up on Monday.
Sunday- Day 36

(Forgot to fucking inject myself, so will have to do it Monday night instead)

Training- Delts/Triceps
Pretty good workout. I can tell that my strength is slipping slightly fom getting off the Dbol. But it isn't bad.

Seated DB Press- 45x12; 65x10; 85x10; 105x8
Reverse Pec Deck- 100x12; 120x10; 140x10; 150x9
1-Arm Lateral raise- 30x12; 40x10; 50x8

Flat Skull Crushers- 75x12; 85x11; 95x10; 105x8
1-arm pressdowns- 75x12; 90x10; 105x10; 120x8

Nothing much to comment on. I felt pretty bloated today. I think it was from having pasta late at night(we went to Olive Garden) Saturday.
Monday- Day 37


Training- Back/Traps
Pretty good workout. It was pretty hot, so I was sweating like crazy in there.
Deadlifts- 135x10; 225x6; 315x5; 425x4; 465x2
DB Rows- 110x12; 130x10; 150x8
Weighted pull-ups- 10x10; 25x10; 35x7
Cable Rows- 180x12; 200x10; 220x8
DB Shrugs- 100x12; 120x10; 140x8; 150x6

Comments- Not much to say. I am going to post pictures now though. These were taken last week.
Tuesday- Day 38

Training- Day Off

I can tell the Test/Eq have kicked in this past week. My sex drive has been up and so has my apetite. The last few days I have been constantly hungry. Even though I am eating every 1.5 hours, it seems it is not enough.
My weight has stayed the same. I am going to up mu caloried to 5000 in the next few days.