pullinbigs training log.

10/03/05 mon:
reverse hyper 270# + 2 purples 3 x 10reps
hips 205# 25ea.
seated abs 100# 2 x 50reps

it was nice to able to do abs again. i went light but it felt fine.
pullinbig said:
hips 205# 25ea.
What exercise is that? Shame on me for leaving early.
pullinbig said:
mister69 said:
2x50 hmmm mabey i will try that on my seated abs machien
burned a little :D
I wonder what that feels like.

Anyway, glad to see that them abs are maybe getting better, although I guess that is probably light weight for you.
10/04/05 tues:
flat bench comp grip, 315# 6 x 1reps (worked on set up and technique)
low pulley cable fly watchamacallits 50# x 20
front raise 2 handed light band x 20
side laterals light band x 20
pull-a-parts average+monster mini x 20, strong x 20 (shrugged back sim to bench setup)
is it good to do rear delt work on chest day aswell to help my bench ?xause i do 2x20 on back \prosterior day
i do it on chest day with shoulder work. they get hit again on back day indirectly. this means they getting hit 2xw which is fine for this kinda training. try it and see what happens.
pullinbig said:
thanks mranak. see you thursday.
I was being ambiguous. I don't know pain like you probably do, but dem abs were burning when I was using the machine.

pullinbig said:
you must be a glutton for punishment. how dem legs feelin today? :D
They feel really good actually. Like just a tiny bit of soreness, which actually feels very good. It is nothing like those days following my first deadlift session; just standing up I felt like I was stretching the hell out of my hams.

I might not be very sore right now, but I thought I was gonna buckle under the weight at the gym.
10/06/05 thurs:
deads, 275# x 1, 496# x 1, suited up 650# x 1, 727# x 1, 749# miss (lost grip)
reverse hypers 270# + 2 light bands 2 x 10reps
45° hypers 1 strong + 1 monster mini band 2 x 15reps

not sure whats going on with my grip as of late. the 749 was on the way and it jes fell out of my hands. i pulled 749 off 9" blocks with a fat jessup bar a month ago no prob. i dropped 740 back to back attempts at the meet saturday. both were on the way up. gotta get this straightened out, i have never had grip probs before. something else to work on. =0l
nice workout .... as far as grip goes are you going to do some forearm work and use those grippers thingys or you got something else in mind?
i didnt use my grippers for about a month, started back this week. hope that does the trick. if not ill start some stuf at the gym. statics, hammer curls,reverse curls and or plate pinches.

dont ask me why i quit cause i dont know. dumbas i guess. =0l
tman55 said:
pullinbig said:
10/06/05 thurs:
suited up 650# x 1, 727# x 1, 749# miss (lost grip)n =0l
you a big bad man pb
He is. And let me tell you, he is a happy boy when he be lifting big weight.
pullinbig said:
10/07/05 fri:
shirt work 4 bd
496# x 1, 518# x 1, 540# x 1, 573# x 1, 606# x 1
Sorry I couldn't be there to see this one.