pullinbigs training log.

10/10/05 mon:
squats 507# 2 x 5reps raw w/belt + knee warmers
leg press 1250# x 20
add/abductors 205# 25ea.
GHR 2 x 5reps
seated abs 110# 2 x 50reps
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im jes doing it so i can go lighter and still hit um good. abs feel like they healed but i am still gonna go light for a while to make sure.

give um a shot. starts burning around 30 reps or so for me.
10/11/05 tues:
raw pause bench, pinkies on rings. 315# 6 x 1reps, 365# x 1
front raises two handed w/light band x 20
side laterals w/light band 2 x 10reps
pull-a-parts strong band x 15
the meet in january?where to go to get my card.website.my shoulder is really bothering me so i aint makin the raw meet in raliegh.the worlds for that federation are in curituck on nov.19.about 2.5-3hrs. from ya.i really dont like the federation though it's rinky dink and not ran very well,but i dont have anything to compare it to.just let me know pm me give me a call,i would like to get out there and lift with ya.
pretty ricky, most people put two spaces after each period. You seem to use none. What's up with that? Solrry, had to ask.

Sorry you ain't gonna make it out here to the Raleigh area. But shit, even if your shoulder is hurt, you should come by for the meet, even if you ain't lifting. I'm sure it'll be lots of fun just to be there.
pretty ricky said:
the meet in january?where to go to get my card.website.my shoulder is really bothering me so i aint makin the raw meet in raliegh.the worlds for that federation are in curituck on nov.19.about 2.5-3hrs. from ya.i really dont like the federation though it's rinky dink and not ran very well,but i dont have anything to compare it to.just let me know pm me give me a call,i would like to get out there and lift with ya.

buy your card at the meet, 30 bucks per year for apf i believe. pm you # again and we'll do a call.

big diff between apf and the raw thingy you did. =0l
10/13/05 thurs:
deads 2" below knee. 496# x 1 , 606# x 1, 672# x 1, 716# 3 x 1reps, raw w/belt
45° hypers, monster mini + strong band 2 x 20reps
hammer strength high row, 12 plates x 6
seated cable rows 300# 2 x 8reps
seated abs 110# 2 x 50reps

well no grip probs tonight. pulled with the fat jessup bar and did a static hold on the last three 716 reps.

kyle showed me a little trick that helped so we'll see if it was just a temporary thing or not. i know trying to grab the bar when suited up is a challenge and i may not have been getting a good solid grip to start with, i dunnow. ill suit up next week and try again just to see.
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mister69 said:
nice rack pulls, wish i had a high row machine at my gym that stuff prob get the back nice and wide

i like it. upper back strength adds to stabilty on deads and squats. helps with not getting rounded off on these two lifts as well as aids in benching.
pullinbig said:
i like it. upper back strength adds to stabilty on deads and squats. helps with not getting rounded off on these two lifts as well as aids in benching.

Amen to that..
ive been finding the chest support row is really useful in my bench..i use the inside handles and really squeeze/hold the scapula hard with heavier weights-feels a lot like how i want to press that weight off my chest :)
really stupid and now censored question was here

Update: Damn, didn't think I would actually piss people off when I wasn't thinking and didn't realize that bd means "board." But I got negative karma from it twice over; no name was supplied.
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well it could. its the testes that may be questionable. =0l

10/17/05 mon:
squats 507# 2 x 5reps, belt + knee warmers.
add/abductors hips 205# 25ea.
ghr 3 x 5reps
seated abs 110# 2 x 50reps

well we had a nice night at the gym tonight. phil harrington stopped by and squatted with us. so i got to see two 900+ squats tonight.

i also tweaked a groin again tonight. spread my stance out like a dingle berry and there she went. normally takes bout 2 weeks to heal up when i do this, very common injury for me. no big deal.