pullinbigs training log.

11/01/05 tues:
flat raw pause bench pinkies on rings, 365# 3 x 1reps
flat db pause bench 120# x 6, 140# x 6
side laterals light band 2 x 10reps
front laterals dbl handed light band x 20
pull-a-parts monster mini + strong band 2 x 10reps
ok got a chnage of plans. i planned on a 1/28 full power meet. thats been moved to 12/17. i have 5 weeks to train for the sc apf state meet. bench and deads are fine but i havent squatted heavy in well over a year. this will be interesting. i only need a 1871 to qualify for the seniors, so ill open light to get my 1871 then go from there for a decent total. thats the plan anyway.

kyle has laid out my training cycle for me and il do what he says. nice having a wpo champ for a training pard :D
11/03/05 thurs:
deads 2" below knees, 650# x 1, 694" x 1, 722# x 1, raw w/belt
reverse hypers 320# + 2 light bands 2 x 10reps
45° hypers strong + light band 15, 5
seatd cable rows 300# 2 x 8reps
wide grip face pulls 210# x 10, 240# x 8
11/04/05 fri:
shirt work all singles
405#, 435#, 465#, 495#, 525#
dbld bands speed work, 4 bd. Worked up to average + light + monster mini + 135#
11/07/05 mon:
squat full gear straps down. 330k (727#) 3 x 1reps
leg press 1340# x 20
ad/abductors 25ea. 205#
GHR 3 x 5reps

first time squatting suited up since arpil of 04. weight felt light but i was a little uncomforatbale once i popped it up and right after i locked it out. been a while since i felt that much weight on my back. anyway I'll up it 20 kilos next week for some more singles. also with the suit on i can spread my stance out which is nice. raw squats tear my groin up with a wide stance