pullinbigs training log.


3/10/06 fri:
shirted bench, singles 496#, 562#, 606# (miss)

stunk it up tonight, the bar was heavy warming up. after last night i was shot. next week ill skip raw bench work on tuesday and pull on friday so ill be fresh for shirt work on thursday. we loaded up my shirt as much as it would do tonight. 606 came down no prob, too easy.
thanks tman

3/13/06 mon:
squats (new gear) briefs w/suit, no wraps, singles, 837# 4 x 1reps
cybex back attack 305# w/#4 band dbld 2 x 15reps
ad/abdutors 255# 20ea.

all my squats were about 1-2inches high tonight. getting a feel for the new gear and plus 837# aint gonna get me down in that suit and breifs. ill go 881 or so next week and see what happens. i may open raw just to get a squat in so i can finish the meet and pull some freakin deads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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3/17/06 fri:
sumo deads against dbld #4 bands, singles
135#, 185#, 235#, 285#, 335# 2 x 1reps
ghr variations 5 x 10reps
3/20/06 mon:
squats narrow stance w/briefs/belt/wraps 705# x 1
wide stance full gear 855# x 1, 925# x 1
reverse leg extensions w/#4 band 50reps ea. Leg.

gonna open with the 705 w/briefs at the meet to make sure i get one in. then i'll suit up and do the same #s i hit tonight hopefully. felt much better in my gear tonight. second time using the new gear. the 855 was plenty deep and the 925 was right at it depth wise. it blew up easliy.
reverse leg ext is place a band at knee height around something. slip your foot thru the other end and fasten it behind your knee. back waway from the post and then bend your knee forward and retract it back. hits the quads but is no stress to the knee. in fact its supposed to strengthen the knees.

thanks for the props.
man i learn more everyday and hell you didnt even have to post a 20 page study lol.

Hell after this past injury I am finally pulling off the floor and hitting those legs hard again..I got my eyes on 220lbs just gotta eat!