pullinbigs training log.

Nice work PB. I changed my routine up a bit after reading some of the advice you gave in the "Do deadlifts thicken the waist" sticky in the Training forum. Hoping it pays off.. looking to hit some big #'s.
JT190 said:
Nice work PB. I changed my routine up a bit after reading some of the advice you gave in the "Do deadlifts thicken the waist" sticky in the Training forum. Hoping it pays off.. looking to hit some big #'s.

there is a routine posted on page 6 of that thread. try it out or use the basic outline. it works.
mister69 said:
are you going to deload a bit these next few?

Sorry to hear u werent abel to compete.

i wont deload in the sense of cutting back to give mysekf a break. im fresh after 11 days off. ill start a bit lghter and work my way back up to hopefully hit some prs in the next couple of months.
11 days off of just eating has to be enjoyable.

I loosened the chains and just am letting myself eat even more...for instance middle of the night i woke up the other day and made shake loaded with oats and peanut butter :-) carbs\fats\protein cant go wrong
4/06/06 thurs:
sumo deads raw/no belt w/straps 585# 2 x 5reps
ghr 2 x 10reps
back attack 305# + #4 band dbld 2 x 20reps
seated cable rows narrow grip 300# 2 x 8reps
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4/10/06 mon:
narrow stance raw paused squats, 415# 2 x 5reps, 465# x 5
ad/abductors 230# 25ea.
reverse hyper 360# + 2 #3 bands dbld 2 x 10reps
calves 3 sets to failure.
BTW, thanks a lot for the reply on my journal, appreciate the motivation.

Just dont want these legs to loose size (took me a while to bring them up to par w\ my upper body)

Thanks once again pullin
no prob 69.

4/11/06 tues:
paused raw 2 bd, ring finger on ring 405# x 3, 425# 2 x 3reps
paused flat back floor press 315# x 5, 325# x 5
paused incline press machine 4plates 2 x 5reps
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mister69 said:
How did you like the machine?Are you using an incline press cybex machine or a hammer strength? WE have cybex incline press at my gym.

We have this cybex machine at my gym;

http://www.pfc-fitness.com/index.cf...Commercial Fitness/desc/Cybex Chest Press.htm

i dont know what kind it is. i was done and was just messing around. it felt good though so ill leave them in for a while. first time doing them.

you lay down on the one we have. its more like a hammer strength.
4/13/06 thurs:
deads against bands raw/no belt + straps. #4 bands dbld +
135# x 5, 185# x 5, 235# x 5, 285# x 3
ghr variations 2 x 8reps
45° hypers #5 band x 15, #5 + # 2 band x 15
seated cable rows close grip 300# 2 x 8reps
face pulls wide grip 225# x 10, 240# x 8
4/14/06 fri:
raw 3 bd w/ dbld bands 135# + #4 2 x 3reps, 135# + #4 + #2 x 3
raw 4 bd w/ dbld bands 135# + #4 x 3, 185# + #4 x 3, 235# + #4 x 3
standing military press 185# x 5, 205# x 5
cybex side lateral machine 205# 2 x 15reps
db curls 30# 2 x 15reps
cable crunches 200# 2 x 15reps