pullinbigs training log.

thanks guys

Monday 12/18/2006
conv stance sldl 465# + 165# chains x 7
reverse leg extensions 2 x 40reps ea leg
ghr variations 3 sets to failure
ad/abductors 230# x 20reps ea.
pullinbig said:
thanks guys

friday 12/15/06
raw paused bench, medium grip
4bd, 405# x 3, 455# x 3, 495# x 3
3bd, 405# x 3, 455# x 3
seated ab machine 110# x 100reps

bw 261
261??? Kids don't climb on your lap in the mall anymore do they?
69 the meet is jan 29th. prolly open w/749 if my training goes well the next few weeks.

tmann dont really have a bw im trying to get too. ill contunue leaning out as long as my strength stays/improves.

no santa for pb fellas. :D
friday 12/22/06
raw board work w/165#chains
4bd, 315#+chains x 3, 335#+ch x 3, 355#+ch x 3, 375#+ch x 2
3bd, 315#+ch x 3, 335#+ch x 2
tuesday 12/26/06
raw paused flat bench, medium grip,
singles, 315#, 335#, 355#, 375#, 405#, 425#, 425#
seated hammer strength militaries, 3plts/side 3 x 6reps
Nice numbers big boy :) I just switched to your routine for chest/tris/shoulders just today and I gotta tell you, I'm fried. I think I was neglecting shoulders a bit too much and your routine fried em real well :o
Winter said:
Nice numbers big boy :) I just switched to your routine for chest/tris/shoulders just today and I gotta tell you, I'm fried. I think I was neglecting shoulders a bit too much and your routine fried em real well :o
good deal. i hope it works well for ya.
pullinbig said:
tuesday 12/26/06
raw paused flat bench, medium grip,
singles, 315#, 335#, 355#, 375#, 405#, 425#, 425#
seated hammer strength militaries, 3plts/side 3 x 6reps

I may be mistaken, but i thought you said you don't do any overhead work..

....and do you still have that home made reverese hyper? I may be out in NC in the spring, if so,, i might be able to pick'er up...