thanks luqui, evans, winter, juls, addi.
ok. the grip is really not a prob. just not overhand on 263 and i'll be fine. the over/under grip works great and 263 was not slipping on my hands.
2ndly, form sucked at 263 and it's not a lockout guys, i felt form sucked so I dropped the weight. i stopped at what it seems to be a lockout.
winter: it's my bad really on the 263. when I changed to over/under grip, i didn't look at my form and just pulled. ^^ silly me.
addi: just weighed this morning and it's 183. i should be pulling 300 dammit. ^^
as far as belts, straps and other items for deads, i'd hit it raw for now and see how far i can go. again, grip is not a prob..just gonna stopp overhand grips on 263.
also, better start looking up from now on.
must keep in mind: ass down, heads up, SQUAT THE FUCKING WEIGHT UP.
thank you guys/gal ^^