Angry Angry Angry

note: friend leaving tomorrow to work as a seaman, which means i will be left with no one to train with. no, we failed to find any near MMA gyms. so here's what's gonna happen

the old gym is surely not a place for a punching place to put it at all.

so i can only use focus mitts and kick shields..maybe add in some shin guards to start with.
Good work Angry, keep pluggin' away. Just out of curiosity, have you lived in the Philippines your whole life? I hear that shit (and by shit I mean everything, including women) is dirt-cheap down there, even the real-estate. I know a guy who bought a penthouse in an upcoming building for a ridiculous price.

so yeah, i'm from the philippines bro!

yup, true about them bitches and companies are nothing but blow jobs under the desk and fucking in the bathroom

leg press

then i felt so fucking sick on my diaphragm like i'm gonna vomit and couldn't keep my head up. went to dress room and rest for a bit.

came out then decided to shadow box/muay thai for 3 mins to help me out.

it did and went on to do some more shadows

seated calf

shadow again

ez curl

shadow again

i feel great
i'm gonna be like van damn and go to bangkok for my muy thai lessons. Kick over trees and have coconuts dropped on my stomach
yeah that would be great indeed! i would do so if have the time

goal right now is shed fat. getting tired of walking around with an extra 40 pounds.
so what i'm doing now is low carbs at night unlike before where my carbs at night are the same quantity of morning/afternoon.

honestly, i loose weight easily due to thyroid issues.

186 now

shadow box and everyone wanted to join in

shadow box
rack deads <--over/over grip
standing military press <--i enjoy this more than seated but was said u can press more on seated. no idea about that
shadow box
low cable row
pec deck
BB curl
side lats
that's it
when it is hyper=high metabolism and total fat reducer
when it is hypo=low LOW metabolism and total fat gainer and almost impossible to loose weight when on it.
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since my friend went on with his work as a seaman, i'm going to take our heavy bag, the one on the vid with me and him doing things at it, it was at there place during all those time, and now i'm going to get it back.

sad thing is that our place doesn't have a place to hang it and will end up leaving it on the floor...

so me and dad probably will think of something tomorrow.

the bag is heavy. i could say it is 200 pounds or less. not sure. will weigh tomorrow
punching bag is here and already hanged. problem now is the ceiling. whenever I hit it hard, the garage ceiling shakes. so will get someone to fix that ceiling, making it higher so to not have contact with the chain that was used to hang the bag.

had a good workout earlier. shins/feet are sore and punches are stronger than before. i :3 it

edit: I also came across BAS RUTTEN'S audio workout, where he gives commands and combos and all that. i didn't use that today. will do some other time.
he has all around workout, mma workout, muay thai workout, boxing
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tonight is legs and i'm quite saddened by the fact that my digicam's batteries are yet..again..damaged and won't work properly. so unless i get new batts, no vid. i would enjoy filming my cardios, form check and all that.

shadow box: (1 min rest per set)
3 mins boxing
3 mins boxing with knees
3 mins boxing with knees and mid level roundhouse

pause squats
seated calf
ez curl

cooldown shadow box

then angry low kicks at home

that's it