Angry Angry Angry

since i can't get bag to gym and my last left high roundhouse caused my left calf to cramp. luckily it didn't go all the way, i mean the cramp and I was able to avoid it.

I was pissed off. went home, chained bag into the wall and angry low kicks!
august 01

heavy thai bag work

left kick good. getting the pivot here
right kick bad. i failed here and it felt so weird. must work on this more

and some more punches and combinations and i'm done with my workout.stress reliever
august 2

didn't go to gym for chest/back due to rain

heavy bag mid roundhouses
left leg=i could say the leg conditionings that I do works.
right leg=i peeled off my left leg's toe skin due to pivoting. getting it though

and some more back hands, elbows, and stuff and i'm done with my cardio
also at work, people noticed me slimming down and asked me if I badminton. i said no. then they speculated that I eat less. i said no and that I still eat pretty much the same only with more cardio. i didn't bother telling them about my thyroid.
exhausting no doubt but it's all good. it is the worse thing that can happen to you. really REALLY not easy

also, bought a kick shield. mall was on sale so advantage was on me. well, the heavy bag is hard and i can't seem to get my technique from there. so going back down to a softer material.
also, as I diet, i notice my belly starting to melt, meaning, imagine a balloon. when it's inflated, it's looseness. now deflate it when it losses and has excess rubber.

that's how my belly is now. any 2 cents on that? thanks

jogging/brisk walk with golden retriever

later chest/back and prolly rape kick shield.

goal: punish shield till it curves in
ok i dunno why but my soon to be brother in law gave me six old flex magazines. i dunno why. i dont see steroids/gh written on them. rofl
actually, i'm looking for them thai pads but the MMA gyms are really far away. they are in places that I need car or need to ride lots of bus/bikes to reach. sad

was suppose to be just cardio workout with focus mitts and kickshield but apparently, both guys who were holding the kickshield from yesterday's workout, got their forearms black and blue. i was like, wtf man


ez curl
db curl
standing calf
sequential box jumps. meaning hop one box then hop to next box

i'm sad