not actually training but a friend of mine was a bit arrogant and went on shin on shin with me at full force. he was attacking and I was blocking..raw. it was nice. first few kicks didn't matter then following can be felt on the shin bone raw. both legs yes it does hurt. no shit.
i dunno what the hell he was thinking when he stepped forward then swung his leg towards my sides at full force. bas rutten instinct, side step, catch end swing kick of muay thai, hold, kick standing leg, drop him, went on top, fake ground pound..he got the idea. actually, it would also work with judo trips to the standing leg, but that's just me
also, an old friend of mine, who is like 5-6 years younger than me, got interested and told me that he was looking for a sparring partner since he won't excel or learn new things without one and one can only learn so much from bags alone.
I agreed and we set dates on when we will be doing box sparring, kicks and grappling at the simple gym that u see in my recent vids. it will be fun. he is doing it for cardio and same with me and to learn new things.
sure, we don't have proper training under a real sensie/guru/kru but we take what we have for now.
and that's it
tom cardio