Angry Angry Angry

i'm not quite sure about the details on the monthly thing. i dunno if they even have a monthly thing.

i'm surprised, that the decent gym near our place, is now offering boxing/aikido/TKD lessons. yes, this was the gym i posted about where they owner is gay and they have lots of that certain gya bodybuilder...something something name

vacation pics and yes, I gave it a try and see how the old muay thai -ers do it. real kicks thrown and pause for pic. sorry no vid of it.

island hopping and yes, they do make u wear them vest even though u know how to

best view was the last pic. i have more pics of me with my family, but knowing how people treat gals on this forum, i'll only show it to a handful of people. <--high kick failed, but you get the idea <---sleeping on plane on first day going to PALAWAN
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db flat bench
sumo rack
standing military
db row
supposedly incline flyes but couldn't do it due to sun burned upper back
ez curl

that's it

leg press because rack was being used...for like a long time
BB wheel of death. don't have AB WHEEL so used BB instead. total killer
seated calves
butt blaster

that's it

was gonna upload vids but can't seem to find that wire for the digicam connecting to compie to transfer stuff. shit

searched entire mall before going home, found no ab wheel!!

db flat
deep ass BB wheel of death. i think i got it right
standing military
leg raises
bent side lats

talked to this tall shadow boxing dude about boxing and stuff. gave him some ideas on using hips when throwing punches and stuff. sad he kind of lives far and couldn't drop by for sparring and all.

good new: the room next to the gym will be turned to a boxing gym.


that's it
i'd think over there that kickboxing gyms would as common as a mexican stand in southern california

45 mins bag work

have 4 vids.

1st is punching
2nd is punching and some kicking
3rd is just kicks
4th are high kicks try outs..rofl

vids are of different time taken. high kicks are done after 45 mins of work.
not unless I actually have proper and actual MMA training and been trained for 2 years or so under certified gurus.

if that happens, then we'll see. we do have MMA fights here in the phil and yaw-yan is dominating.

a hybrid yaw-yan= dance of death. a hybrid muay thai with muay boran, TKD combined, with added sambos/bjj/wrestling and boxing.

but mainly yaw-yan is the modified muay how the gracies themselves modified the judo itself and turned it into BJJ.