\m/MANOWAR\m/ 's training log!


What about that younger girl... Kay... I think Winter is interested in her.

I'm up for Puddles. She's experienced
\m/ MANOWAR \m/ said:
8/30/06 - bench press 210x1
9/14/06 - bench press 225x1

You're lucky I was there to spot you on that 225, mister. Go light for a few weeks, maybe 70% of your 1RM for reps and then in 2-3weeks, try to rep 225 for 2+reps.
Winter said:
You're lucky I was there to spot you on that 225, mister. Go light for a few weeks, maybe 70% of your 1RM for reps and then in 2-3weeks, try to rep 225 for 2+reps.

I would prob not do any MAX work for atleast a month. Then go for it.

(9/18 - 9/24)

Tuesday 9/19/06

Half deads*
135x5, 185x5, 195x3
Hyper extensions
BW+25 x12
Isolateral high row (Hammer Strength)
Lat pull downs (very wide and slow reps)
Seated dumbell shrugs
50x15 slow reps
Dumbell curls
25x5(each arm) warmup
45x5 each arm, 50x1.5**
15 minutes slow, low intensity
*Half deads - I was going to do rack deads but I figured since I struggle on my starting point and not my lockout, they wouldn't help me that much. So I wanted to try something new. What I did was get a bar under the power rack, and set the rack to under my knees. So basically I worked on my starting point. As I came up the bar would hit the rack so it was a 'half' dead
**Was tired and with my left arm couldn't get more than 1. Right was 2

Wednesday 9/20/06

High intensity walking n jogging, very hard and painfull. Felt numb and got a headache. Put treadmill on 7mph and got 3 minutes, that was my biggest accomplishment, the rest was just walking for 10 minutes then jogging for 2 then walking for 10 minutes and jogging for 2, etc.

Thursday 9/21/06

Flat bench press*
135x10 warmup
155x5, 185x3, 210x3
Incline bench press
115x7, 135x4 chest gets weaker every week
Incline dumbell press
40x10, 75x3 weaker every week again
BWx10, BWx6
Skull crushers
65x6 hard
110x15, 120x10
*Workout totally sucked. Bench was crappy. Had no motivation, weight feels heavier each week, and nobody was there to spot me. I got some random huge guy to spot me for the 210x3 but I have a feeling that he picked up everything for me and I didn't do any work. Idk I was tired from school and can't remember anything. All in all, workout sucked

No legs yet cuz I'm very sore from jogging wensday. Will probably do legs tomorow and monday some speed chest work.
It's only 2 workouts.

Busy with school work. Lots of work. School is very tiring, walking 2 miles home is also tiring, and doing homework after that all day is extremely tiring. 2 hours of sleep a night can also be tiring.

I'm FUCKING tired.

But lifes good, can't complain
My bench is sucking as usual but I'm concerned aboot my deads
Oh shit, people do that? I was going to try a box dead but I wanted to get some info on it first and see if it was an actual excersize or if I was just being creative.

Anyway, I will now proceed to edit my log.

(9/25 - 9/31)

Monday 9/25/06

Sumo deads
135x10 warm
185x5, 235x5, 275x1 *PR PR PR*
Barbell rows
135x5 underhand grip
135x5 overhand grip
Front squats
Hip ab/ad
60x20 each
Dumbell curls
15x5(each arm) warmup
50x3, 35x5
*Yup, PRs for both. First time doing 235 for 5, and first time doing 275. I'm rich byaatch
**Missed legs last week, so decided to throw a little in. Front squats were fun, balance was an issue, but my delts didn't hurt like I originally thought

Will be doing chest sometime this week.
I feel like before I took lifting too seriously, and it caused stress, instead of releiving it. I used to be like 'shit its wensday time to bench heavy' and my whole day was focused on benching, and when I actually worked out it sucked and I was nervous.
Now I don't really give a shit and I just do what I want whenever I want.
I also eat whatever I want.
Not giving a shit helps, and makes everything much better and more positive

Friday 9/29/06

Flat bench press
135x5x5x5 warmup
155x5, 175x3, 195x3, 215x2, 235x1*
Incline db press
40x6, 70x3**
Flat db press
40x6, 70x2***
120x10, 140x5
And some shoulder work.
*Wasn't planning on going that heavy. I actually felt really weak, as I struggled with 135. But my friend Darren was there to spot me and he motivated me to go heavy. I did this by myself, no assist.
**Incline is getting weaker every week... but I know why!! It's because I neglect shoulders. So I will be doing a little delts here and there from now on
***Was very tired, these sucked
Good workout overall, but I don't really care about chest anymore. I just do it to even out.
This is all for the week, next week will be back to normal, and I will be squatting very heavy
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