pullinbigs training log.

11/18/05 fri:
shirt work all singles
465#, 495#, 525#, 555#, 585#
raw 4 board 405# x 5, 435# x 5
seated ab machine 110# x 50
blackbeard said:
nice and simple
you touch all those weights??

funny. how about none of them. im near 320 now and my shirt is super tight. ill have to make weight for the next meet.

i have never touched 600+ in the gym but have touched it everytime at the meets. in fact i touched 562 last summer in detroit. kyle is the same way. guess its the adrenaline pumping or sumpin. i tried to touch the 585 but it stopped about 2" high and i didnt want to roll up. had my shirt set up high too. it absolutely blew up though. it was by far my strongest 585 ever, didnt even feel the weight. 615 attempt next week and one more heavy week after that then its openers and meet time.

because im doing full power this time ill open somewhere around 550ish on bench. i may even open raw just to make sure i get one in. opening with a light 650 dead and prolly somewhere around an 805 squat depending on how these last few squats go.
i was jsut breaking yuour chops..

i know i only got one meet under the belt but i was nervous as hell about touching ANY of my attmepts..because in the gym it always seems xtra hard to get anything to touch..but at the meet i was amazed to get 465 to touch easily...go figure guess its the adrenaline like you said lol
my first meet in a dbl denim i couldnt even get 500 close in the gym and easily touched it at the meet. who knows? =0l
I have not had a problem touching anything in my 6 meet attempts. 485 touched so easily when i did that bench only the press command startled me, lol.
11/21/05 mon:
squats full gear 330k (727#) x 1, 370K (816#) 2 x 1reps

cut it short tonight since i have to pull from the floor on wednesday cause the gym is closed for thanksgiving.
great workout, you gonna eat em alive over @ the meet. Yeah my gym is open on thankgiving (my gym back home) But i have changed my split to tues\wed\frid cause of my class schedule. I dont like it , i love lifting on mondays, but hey its ok cause more time to eat :-)
i seriously doubt ill have the biggest squat at that meet. =0l

we got some big mofos down here that hit some bnig #s.
pullinbig said:
we have a monolift. :D
your getting on my nerves

nice raw work
i tell ya i thin i feel stronger just after doing 2 weeks of raw band/brd work..
i think it might be a good combo for me 2weeks or so raw followed by 2 wks or so doing the normal militia shirted day
what ever works for ya go with it.

all my numbers are moving as of late, ill enjoy it while it lasts.

deads tonight in full gear. oh joy, more busted blood vessels in my eyes/lids. =0l

i think this is my last pull from the floor before the meet.
pullinbig said:
what ever works for ya go with it.

all my numbers are moving as of late, ill enjoy it while it lasts.

deads tonight in full gear. oh joy, more busted blood vessels in my eyes/lids. =0l

i think this is my last pull from the floor before the meet.
have a good pull later LOL
talking bout the bar not your pud :insane2:
11/23/05 wed:
deads full gear, 650# x 1, 744# miss x 5 attempts

couple of notes: the grip saga reared up again tonight. i dropped all 5 attempts with 744. plus i was supposed to pull 733 and not 744. miss loaded the bar, still getting used to kilo plates. i think pulling 2 days after squatting heavy had an affect as well. didnt have a choice though as the gym is closed tomorrow.

been on a pretty good ride as of late. tonights miss was the first missd lift i have had in a while. so ill put it behind me and go back to work on my grip probs.

still got a good workout in though so overall im OK with what happened tonight.