pullinbigs training log.

1/30/06 mon:
squats, raw w/belt, narrow stance 507# 3 x 3reps
ad/abductors machine 230# 25 ea.
cybex back attack 305# 2 x 20reps
seated calves 4 plates 2 x 15reps

my knees are about ready for a break. they sho is soe. may have to take next week's squat and dead days off.
1/31/06 tues:
raw paused bench, ring finger on ring, 365# x 1, 405# 3 x 1reps
paused flat db press w/average (#4) band, 100# x 6, 120# x 5
low pulley cable flies 100# 2 x 6reps
seated ab machine 110# x 50 (still nursing tender ab)
pull-a-parts strong (#5) band 2 x 20reps
blackbeard said:
pause presses are no joke
youve been stickign with these for quite some time?? guess you are liking them alot??

yup seem to be helping the bottom end of my bench. more power outta the hole for shirted beching. got my shirt back (again) so we'll see if i can touch anything this friday.
pause the lift at the bottom for a 2 count or so. takes all the momentum away from the lift. makes them much tougher. same with squats.
oh ok...i think i may try adding these on bench day then...i really want to shot my bench up higher...not as concerned with my squat but may try it there too.
2/2/06 thurs:
sumo deads full gear, singles
606#, 716#, 744#, 761# (miss)
ghr variations 3 sets 10, 5, 5
45° hypers w/strong (#5) + MM (#2) bands 2 x 15reps
seated cable rows 300# 12,6

couple notes: pulled the 606 w/hook grip, so that makes me happy. tried the 716 but it wont set right and it slipped so i switched to over/under to finish out. also the 744 was a pr with no straps. i pulled 749 last week with straps. the 761 was doomed from the start, i never sat back or pulled the bar up to me. forgot everything i know. we'll try again off the floor in a few weeks after some more heavy band work. =0l
pretty ricky said:
744! lets just say the avatar doesn't do you justice you 1 big mofo!


thanks guys.

mister 69 just got my shirt back and had it let out a little. it was too tight. :D