mister69 said:kettlebell, that is def something i would love to do some cleans with.
How is the incission?
sposed to get stitches out next thursday. its still bleeding alittle but feling better everyday. at least i cansit down comfortably now.

mister69 said:kettlebell, that is def something i would love to do some cleans with.
How is the incission?
adidamps2 said:WOW! PB i haven't lookin in on your log for a lil bit...and you end up getting surgery? hope it's doing well. i noticed you weren't around as much as normal..but figured you were busy, just didnt realise you were injured...heal up PB cause you can't squat a GRAND with stitches!
pretty ricky said:standing militaries are ass busters.you pulling it up off the floor or just going out of a rack.i really liked doing these and wish i could but you know the ole shoulder will be better without em.
pullinbig said:had some stuff growing in my ass just above the butt crack. fatty tumor or sumpin. its gone and not cancerous so all is well.
mister69 said:those reverse leg extensions must have been a nice burn going. Seems alot of guys would rather do those than regular leg extensions cuase some get some knee issues. A few of my buddies like the leg extionions 15-30 rep range after heavy squats. Have you done leg extensions in the past?
pullinbig said:i used to do heavy leg extensins years back. i liked them as it really smoked my quads but they tore my knees all to pieces. the revers helps my knees and gets some blood flowing.
JT190 said:I really need to order those bands.