pullinbigs training log.

its a row cept you pull the bar to your face. hits more upper back. you can do them on the lat pull down too by leaning back about 45°
U do low volume also, do u find your stronger like this?

With the floor press do u actually lay on the floor, or do u set it up so your at parallel in a power rack?

If my gym dosen't have anywhere to put bands, how else can u do them?
Beast_19_301 said:
U do low volume also, do u find your stronger like this?

With the floor press do u actually lay on the floor, or do u set it up so your at parallel in a power rack?

If my gym dosen't have anywhere to put bands, how else can u do them?

i mix my training up. i do high volume and low volume.

yup lay on the floor. bring thbar down till the backs of your arms are on the floor. big pause then press up. no leg drive. flat backed on the floor.

how you wanna do bands? do you havew some?
5/05/06 fri:
raw 4 bd w/bands. 135# + (#4 + #2) bands dbld 3 x 3reps
standing military press 225# 2 x 5reps
seated ab machine 110# x 50, 130# x 50

slightly overtrained on bench stuff. ill skip one bench day next week.
5/08/06 mon:
front squats raw/no belt, 405# 2 x 3reps
bottom up zerchers raw/no belt, 405# x 5
ad/abductors 25reps ea.
leg curls 150# 2 x 10reps
standing calf raises 300# 2 x 15reps
70# kettlebells, 1 arm swings 3 x 8reps ea, 1 arm snatches 2 x 8reps

theres a possiblity i may be doing a strong man 7/29. so you may notice a difference in my training for a while.
What is a zercher?

I just started KB training. Seems like they could benifit almost any athelite.

Nice work PB and keep us posted on the competition.
thanks guys.

mranak the leg curls where more of a wame up for the KBs. =0l

we decided to go all out on KBs and ditch the other PC movement we usually do (back attack, ghr, etccc...)

please come home soon. we need another plate loader. paaaaaallleasee.

buy more jewlery. :D
Strongman comp would be cool PB. You should do well!!

I worked out at Bill Kazmeir's gym a few years ago, really nice guy and strong as hell.
kaz is a stud. i met him at johnny perry's funeral. (bad place to meet someone). very nice and soft spoken fellow. and huge. my little hand disapeared into his paw when we shook hands.
5/09/06 thues:
raw paused 2bd. 405# x 3, 455# x 3
raw paused floor press, flat backed, 355# x 4
incline press machine 225# x 5, 270# x 5
high pulley cable flies 50# 2 x 12reps

yea they hit the pecs hard the way we do them. flat backed, legs flat on the floor, no arch, elbows wide, touch near neck, big pause (let the weight rest on your hands supported by your tris and realx). wow, thats alot of setup directions :D
i was just wondering what your full stats are? Height, age, weight, max on deadlift, bench press and squat. So i can beat all of them lol. I need some long term goals