pullinbigs training log.

5/30/06 tues:
raw paused 2 board 455# x 2
raw paused flat backed floor press 365# x 3
decline bench 315# x 10
upper pulley cable flies 50# 2 x 15reps
lower pulley cable flies 50# x 15
decline situps aginast #2 band 2 x 10reps

i was not feeling it today.
yeah i was i like a woman today, all emotional and stuff. so i thought i'd do some flies and get all pumped up. my bench sucked as today. im very glad i can go lift to get stuff outta my system though. what a priveldge.
thursday june 1/06
sumo deads w/briefs and belt
worked up to 716# x 1
ghr variations 2 x failure
45 degree hypers 2 x 15reps w/#5 + #3 band
seated cable rows 300# 8, 6
kettle bell 70# 1 arm swings 3 x 16reps

first time pulling heavy off the floor since march.

friday june 2/06
hammer strength military press 2plts/side 5 x 10reps
kettle bell 70# overhead side press 3 x 10reps
monday 6/05/06
squats, narrow stance, raw w/belt
415# + 165#chains, 2 x 5reps
bottom up zerchers raw/no belt, worked up to 495# x 1
ad/abductors 230# 25ea.
laying leg curls 150# 2 x 8reps
kettlebell 70# 1 arm swings 2 x 16reps
35# windmill 3ea.
tuesday june 6/06
flat raw paused bench, 365# x 3, 405# x 3
flat paused db press, 120# x 8, 140# x 8
high pulley cable flies 60# 2 x 10reps
low pulley cable flies 60# 2 x 10reps
machine military press 2 x 10reps

trained at a different gym today. its definately not a pling gym but it was nice to see some old friends.

pec felt fine today. back is torched from yesterdays zerchers though. =0l
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Great workout pulling. You know wahts funny, i have been switchin between 2 gyms, I guess its not too bad cause i get to use different equip, but the basics are always in bench\dead\squat.

Gotta run, got a protein shake and a cheese cake callin my name!

pullinbig said:
flat raw paused bench, 365# x 3, 405# x 3
flat paused db press, 120# x 8, 140# x 8
high pulley cable flies 60# 2 x 10reps
low pulley cable flies 60# 2 x 10reps
machine military press 2 x 10reps

trained at a different gym today. its definately not a pling gym but it was nice to see some old friends.

pec felt fine today. back is torched from yesterdays zerchers though. =0l