tuesday 7/25/06
seated smyth militaries 2plt/side 2 x 5reps
bb static holds, dbl overhand 545# x 2. (only held these for a few seconds but was happy i held it at all, first time)
cybex side lateral machine 205# 2 x 15reps
tri push downs 100@ 2 x 25reps
thats it, off til the meet.
seated smyth militaries 2plt/side 2 x 5reps
bb static holds, dbl overhand 545# x 2. (only held these for a few seconds but was happy i held it at all, first time)
cybex side lateral machine 205# 2 x 15reps
tri push downs 100@ 2 x 25reps
thats it, off til the meet.