pullinbigs training log.

monday 10/16/06
slds, conv stance, 455#x 7
dbl overhand static holds 495# 2 sets to failure
reverse leg extensions w/band, 2 x 40reps ea leg
ghr variations 3 sets to failure
ad/abuctors 205# x 25rep0s ea.

bw = 269
tuesday 10/17/06
raw paused 2 bd, medium grip, 405# x 3, 425# x 3, 445# x 3
paused floor press, illegal wide grip, 315# x 5, 335# x 5
bb incline press, 225# 2 x 8reps

bw = 270
thursday 10/19/06
sumo pulls, belt only, 570# 2 x 5reps
reverse hyper, 8plts 2 x 10reps
seated cable row, narrow grip, 300# 2 x 8reps
seated ab machine, 90# x 100reps

bw 272
roccodart440 said:
suited or unsuited pulls? MAn I hate you...just kidding, envy is more like it. Great job PB.

thanks rocco.

belt only.

the plan is ill add breifs around 6 then add a suit in the mid 6's. ill start cutting reps in the upper 6's.
friday 10/20/06
cardio 45 minutes
bar weight 135 w/bands dbld, raw medium grip
4bd, purple x 3, purple+mm x 3, green+mm x 3, green+purple x 1.
3bd, purple x 3, purple+mm x 3, green+mm x 1

bw 270
monday 10/23/06
sldl conv stance, 470# x 7
reverse leg ext w/band 2 x 40reps ea leg
ghr variations 4 sets to failure
ad/abductors 205# 25reps ea.

bw 272
tuesdasy 10/24/06
paused, band suspended weight, flat bench, medium grip
135# x 5, 185# x 5, 225# x 5, 275# x 5, 315# 2 x 4reps
paused floor press, illegal wide grip, 225# x 10
seated ab machine, 110# x 100reps

bw 269
pullinbig said:
tuesdasy 10/24/06
paused, band suspended weight, flat bench, medium grip
135# x 5, 185# x 5, 225# x 5, 275# x 5, 315# 2 x 4reps
paused floor press, illegal wide grip, 225# x 10
seated ab machine, 110# x 100reps

bw 269

Body weight is commming up.By band suspended weight doyou mean reverse bands?I don't understand.

Do you drive a hummer?
roccodart440 said:
Body weight is commming up.By band suspended weight doyou mean reverse bands?I don't understand.

Do you drive a hummer?

suspended weight is hanging the weight on bands off the bar. dont put the weight on the bar just hang it on bands. they swing and bounce like mad. laura phelps made the suggestion on another board.

and no i dont have a hummer. however my girl friend gave me one this morning. :D
thursday 10/26/06
sumo stance deads, belt only, 585# 2 x 5reps
reverse hyper, 8plts x 10, 10plts x 10
narrow grip seated cable rows 300# 2 x 8reps

bw 269