pullinbigs training log.

sunday 4/8/07 3pm
squats, breifs/belt/wraps, 540# + 165#chains x 3
570# + chains 2 x 3reps
ghr variations 3 sets
db 1 arm snatch 110# 2 x 6reps
thursday 4/12/07 5pm
reverse hyper, 2 green bands + 8plts, 4 x 10reps
ghr variations, 3 sets
db shrugs/grip work, 150's 4 x 15reps
1 arm band rows, 15reps ea arm.
friday 4/13/07 5pm
shirt work, 135# bar weight, bunch of light bands,
several sets off the 4 and 3 boards.
tri push downs against bands, 4 sets to failure
ab wheel, 4 sets
sunday 3pm 4/15/07
squats, full gear straps down, 600# + 165# chains 3 x 3reps
ghr variations 3 sets
1 arm db snatches 110# 2 x 6reps

swithched to low bar squat today. very awkward but its gotta be done. been squattin high bar forever, time to switch.
tuesday 4/17/07 9pm
hs seated militaries, 3plts/side, 2 x 6reps
seated machine laterals, 205# 2 x 15reps
bench setup pull-a-parts, 2 x 20reps
tri push downs w/bands, 3 x failure
abs, 4 sets
thursday 4/19/07 5pm
sumo speed pulls, no belt, 416# 6 x 3reps
reverse hyper, 10plts + 2 green bands, 2 x 10reps
ghr variations, 3 sets
wide grip face pulls, 210# x 10, 240# x 10
1 arm rows/grip work, 150#db x 8,6
curls, 2 x 15reps

doin some light curls for a while to tighten up my bench shirt sleeves a tad.
6x3 speed pulls ---a bit wsb taste to it lol.
Curls for the gurls John :-)

Looking good---I am off to pull deads off the floor.
friday 4/20/07 5pm
shirt work, rage x grid stitch, 165# chains
3bd, 315#+ch x 3, 345#+ch x 3, 375#+ch x 3, 405#+ch x 3, 455#+ch x 3
2bd, 315#+ch x 3, 365+ch x 3, 405#+ch 2 x 3reps
tri work w/bands, 4 sets
abs, wheel of death, 3 x 10reps
curls 2 x 15reps

am bw 265
sunday 4/22/07 3pm
squats, full gear straps down, 685# x 3,2,1
ghr variations, 3 sets

still gettin used to low bar squatting.
pullinbig said:
sunday 4/22/07 3pm
squats, full gear straps down, 685# x 3,2,1
ghr variations, 3 sets

still gettin used to low bar squatting.

WHat is your squat goal? Are you using a monolift? I've been conemplating giving the squat a go.

Keep up the good work.
no i just train and work there getfit. we got some strong guys there. the fella back spotting me is the real deal.

tuesday 4/24/07 9pm
band day
front raises, 2 x 20reps
side raises, 2 x 10reps
bench set up pull-a-parts, 2 x 25reps
tri work, 4 sets to failure
curls, 2 x 15reps
abs, wheel of death, 4 x 10reps
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