pullinbigs training log.

friday 5/18/07 5pm
shirt work, phenom
2bd, 495# x 1, 525# x 1
changed to kkdd
2bd, 525# x 1, 555# x 1, 585# x 1, 615# x 1
band push downs, 3 sets to failure
wheel of death, 3 x 10reps

bw 271 in the AM.
pullinbig said:
damn nice squat, well below parallel and controlled. 733lbs. masters lifter as well. that means he's over 40.

yup! eddie is the strongest dude there is in the philippines. totalling 1800+ naturally. his special are squats and deads.
sunday 5/20/07 3pm
squats, full gear straps down, 165# chains
655# + chains x 1, 685# + chains x 1, 715# +chains x 1
ghr variations, 3 sets
1 arm snatch w/db, 110# 2 x 6reps ea
calves, 2 x failure
tuesday 5/22/07 1:30pm
flat paused bench, close grip, 2 bd, 405# 2 x 2reps
flat paused db press, 110# 2 x 10reps
seated fly machine, stack, 2 x 10reps
super set, decline/incline hs bench, 12, 10
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thursday 5/24/7 5pm
deads, conv stance, full gear, 686# x 1
ghr variations, 3 sets
45° hypers w/bands, 2 x 15reps
db shrugs/grip work, 150's, 3 x 15reps

first time pullin conventional in full gear since nov of 05, felt good. gonna train this way for the next couple of weeks and see what happens. i have 2 pulls left before my meet. I feel stronger w/conv stance off the floor.

bw = 269
friday 5/25/07 5pm
shirt work, kkdd
2bd, 496# x 1, 529# x 1
switched to phenom
2bd, 529# x 1, 562# x 1, 589# x 1, 617# x 1, 633# miss @ lockout
abs, wheel of death, 4 x 10reps

bw 269
Sunday 5/27/07 3pm
Squats, full gear straps down, chain weight 165#
685# + chains x 1, 745# + chains x 1
ghr variations, 3 sets
kettle bell hell, 60 reps
Monday 5/29/07
Mid/Upper back work
Wide grip pull-ups, 2 x 8reps
Narrow reverse grip pull downs, 195#, 2 x 8reps
Narrow grip face pulls, 165#, 2 x 10reps
V handle seated cable rows, 195#, 2 x 10reps
Underhand grip bb bent over rows, 225# x 10, 315# x 8

moderate weight on everything this workout......