pullinbigs training log.

pretty bad when someone steals a tire...... =0l

sunday 7/01/07 3pm
bottom up zerchers, 365# x 6
manta ray squats, 415# x 10
sled drag forward, 4 plts + 1 plt ea hand, 50y, 2 trips
1 arm swings, 90# 2 x 10reps
stability ball balance, 2 or 3 minutes
medicine ball throw downs, 4 x 10reps
tuesday 7/03/07 5pm
raw paused 2 bd, 315# x 5, 335# x 5, 355# x 5, 375# x 5
paused floor press w/log, 275# x 5
incline bench against band tension, 4 x 10reps
low pulley cable flies, 2 x 10reps
overhead log press, 135# 2 x 5reps
ab wheel, 2 x 10reps
stabilty balls, 2 sets

first time using the log. nice...........
thursday 7/5/06 5pm
band neck gm's w/db's, 150's + #5 band, 3 x 10reps
bent over rows w/log, 405#, 2 x 8reps
leg press, 800# 2 x 12reps
back attack, 300# + #5 band dbld, 10, 15
leg curls, 150# 2 x 8reps
friday 7/6/07 5pm
raw board work, wide grip
4bd, 365# x 5, 385# x 5, 405# x 5, 425# x 5, 445# x 5
3bd, 365# x 5, 385# x 5
stability ball push ups w/band, 4 x 10reps
stability ball balance, couple go rounds

bw 267
sunday 7/8/09 3pm
bottom up zerchers, 405# x 5
manta ray squats, 455# x 8
band reverse leg ext, 2 x 20reps ea leg
kettle bell hell, 70# x 60reps
pullinbig said:
sled drag = dragging a sled loaded with weight.

getfirdoc said someone stole his tire

I meant it as "what a sled drag!" "nice sled drag" "awesome pulling"....but thanks for the clarification of the whole sled and weight thing.
mister69 said:
see you pulling the sled again, i just got me one and pulled 140lbs the other day and almost threw up :-)

we didnt pull sunday cause it was about 100 degrees outside. opted for kb hell instead and wish i had pulled the sled
tuesday 7/10/07 5pm
raw, close grip, 2bd,
315# x 5, 335# x 5, 355# x , 375# x 5, 395# x 3
stability ball push-ups w/band, 3 x 10reps
here's a random day. you'll notice no shakes or bars.

btw i had a 7 site caliper bf test the other day. it said 10.9% bf. dont think im that lean but its still a big difference from when i weighed 325. i was 269 this AM
well then you are eating that much food getting stronger leaner and staying healthy that is all a man can ask for. I myslef have to pound back the food even when loosing bf---but no biggy.
thursday 7/13/07 5pm
band neck gm's w/150lb db's + #5 band, 3 x 10reps
leg press, 980# 2 x 12reps
1arm row w/db, 110# x 25reps ea arm.
back attack, 300# + #5 band dbld, 2 x 15reps
seated leg curl, 130# 2 x 10reps
seated calf machine, 130# 2 x 20reps